Chapter 1

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Hi guys if anyone is reading. Sorry in advance if this chapter isn't very good.

The main reason is that I'm just making it up at the top of my head and also I am terrible with starting chapters.

So sorry (Gomen).

Now on with the story.


I'm at home once again, trying to stay positive about life always trying to stay cheery although when it comes to people my cheeriness just fades. In case you don't understand I am as shy as shy can get. When I am on my own I can always be myself: The happy kind-hearted person who wouldn't hurt a fly...unless provoked. Whenever I try to speak to someone I always go red and start to stutter like Hinata from Naruto. Did I forget to mention I LOVE Naruto, It is just my favourite anime/manga of all time *fangirl squeal*. But most of the time I am ignored by people or worse by being beaten.

Well I may as well describe myself; My name is sara Uzumaki. I have no family members as far as I am aware of. My hair is a golden blonde which makes me feel like I am valuable in some sort of way which goes down below my waist, it also looks like Naruto's in a way, my eyes are a bright sky blue that remind me of a calm ocean, I wear orange and blue clothing because I want to look as if I am the female counterpart of Naruto. I wear 4 different parts of a necklace which could act like tracking devices; the first was a dragon that was wrapped around the yin and yang symbol,the second part was 2 phoenixes which could be split into 2, the 3rd part was a fox that looked like the nine tails and the 4th part my favourite was a wolf that had snow white fur with golden yellow eyes. I am 13 years old since October 10th...being born on the same day as my favourite character crazy right?

I looked around in the kitchen for something to eat because I felt a bit snackish when a thought entered my mind and without thinking I shouted,"Where is MY instant ramen?I knew I had at least one pot left." I decided to leave to find it later and just settle with eating a packet of 'Oh so spicy' heatwave crisps as they were one of my favourite flavours of crisps. Soon enough I finished my packet and my mouth was burning from the extensive heat of the flaming flavour. I went to the kitchen to get a drink but all seemed too quiet for Liverpool as there was usually someone driving down the road but no...nothing."It must be one of those 'lets not go near that street' nights." I said out loud hoping for noise of some sort but nothing.

It was finally time for dinner and I found the instant ramen which was well hidden under the mass layers of vegetables that were of no use since I only use a few of them. I opened the ramen and started to wait for it to be ready. Whilst I was waiting I took a look at the clock and saw that it was 6pm and that it was time for Naruto to start. I would say that I am the ultimate Naruto fan because I have watched each episode about a billion times so I knew what would happen but I couldn't help but watch it, as it would be on every night. Once my ramen finished setting I could hear the Naruto theme song playing, so I quickly rushed to my couch (whilst making sure not to spill my ramen) and settled before it could start.

The episode being shown was the very first episode which I found great because of the action, the sadness, the relief and suspension.The only thing that I didn't like with the first episode was the characters voices and the way people treated Naruto. If I would have been there I would have tried to cheer Naruto up even if I got a few glares from people because atleast then people wont treat me like i'm invisible.

When the episode finished and I was at the brink of tears I shook my head and I went to my room and started to pack.The first and most important thing to me I packed was my Ipod because who knows when I need a funny video or to watch/read Naruto. I continued to pack clothes, food, money and some items to use for cooking. At the end I packed my newly purchased song book that was a golden book which sparkled. My songbook is like my diary as I write songs about what I feel. After I finished packing I decided to head out for Konoha being the 13 year old I am I decided that it is real, and as it is real I wanted to go there but before I left I heard a thud then my eyes closed from the force of sleep finding its way to me.


I have finally found her. The girl that is said to have power beyond belief and that she chooses what happens to the world. Depending on the bag that has been slung on her back it looks as if she was about to leave for quite a while. I made my way over to her and when I went to suck her into my world through my mask she started glowing a blinding white until she disappeared.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" Was all that I could say and I returned to my world to look for clues to see where she could have went to.

Dun Dun Dun

So who do you think is after sara before she dissapeared?

Find out in the next chapter!

Thanks for reading

Bye :)


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