Chapter 11

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Please read the Author's note at the end of the chapter please, thank you.
The first thing that came to my senses, was the stench of alcohol that clung to our client, Tazuna if I recall correctly, seriously he could raise the dead with his stench. Actually, now that I think about it, is that possible? If it was that would be a really cool ability, well apart from them being the undead and everything...hehe.

"You expect me to believe that these snot nosed brats will be able to protect me, I asked for actual ninja, not children. Especially the small boy, what is he just dressig up for a costume party or something?" Tazuna's gravelly voice assualted my ears, probably got it from how much he drank.

I could see that Naruto was close to snapping and that he started to inch closer to Tazuna after realisation settled into him that he was the one that Tazuna was insulting, and I thought that I was slow.

Kakashi mamaged to grab Naruto, before lecturing him on how he shouldn't attack the client, and how it is bad for business, meaning less money, which leads to a smaller stash of 'glorious literature' as he put it, where in reality it was just smut. Well who doesn't like a little P.W.P from time to time?

"Okay team, meet at the North gates in half an hour, use that time to pack and say your goodbyes, who knows you might need it." I couldn't work out if he meant if we might need our supplies (which if we are going to be out of the village for a while then we will definetly need them) or if we will need to say our goodbyes, I mean he will try to save us if we get into danger right?

Walking back to my arpartment, I couldn't help but feel as though I was forgetting something about this mission, hmm, its probably not that important if I can't remember it, its not like someone I like is going to die, so why lose sleep over it.

I pulled out some scrolls from the most useful item that a women could its not a frying pan but that's somewhere around here, ok so its the second most important thing a woman could own, the 'Pocket dimension pro 2000', I'm sure your asking why I am using scrolls if I could just keep everything stored away safely, truth is I want to do something ninja-like.

I sorted all my scrolls out, one containing food and water, one containing camping gear, one containing clothes and make-up (don't judge me, who knows when I will need my mascara to seduce some enemy ninja) and three containing weapons, you can never be too prepared when your going outside into the big wide world.

I met up with Sakura half-way through my trek to our meeting point, and if you thought my one scroll full of make-up and clothing was bad, then you'd want to scream if you saw Sakura's, she had four bags worth of clothing, two bags worth of make-up (which she claimed was to make sure that she always looked her best for 'Sasuke-kun~') and a little pouch filled with food, well if she never brought her own then she's gonna go hunting for her own, because Sara don't share food, not now, not ever.

Sasuke was the first to arrive to the meeting point after me and Sakura, he seemed to have a little bit more reasonable packing, he only had one bag, it contained one change of clothes, a good amount of food and water, some weapons and surpisingly enough a picture of who I assumed to be his parents. If your wondering how I know whats inside their bags its because Sakura likes to talk, a lot, whilst I just like to be a snoop and searched Sasuke's bag when he was trying to throw Sakura off of him.

Naruto arrived last out of us genin, no surprise there as he went to Ichiraku's for 'celebration ramen', and surprise surprise, he had nothing packed for our mission, sometimes I wonder if he was dropped on his head.

Kakashi and Tazuna were the last to arrive to the gates, to my dismay Tazuna stunk of even more booze which assualted my poor nose to no end, it will never recover from any of this torture.

We started to walk down the path past the 'eternal gate guardians' who seemed to give us looks of...pity? I'm starting to get a bad feeling again, I hope everything goes well, but I still feel as though we are missing something, but what could it be?

Around an hour later we decided to take a small break, if only to shut up Sakura's whining of how she will get 'ugly swollen feet' that will cause her 'Sasuke-kun' to hate her, seriously if all girls are like this please kill me now, I can barely stand one Sakura never mind anymore, on that note I should make sure that no one teaches her any type of clone, otherwise I really will die!

I decided to have a small snack, so I pulled out a little delicacy called 'Creme egg' they are divine, but I'm guessing no one here likes them because I got death glares for pulling it out, poor Creme egg, don't worry I love you, I love you so much that I'm giving you a vacation to a very special place called 'Stomach de Sara' I heard its a very nice place this time of the day.

Just as I was about to lift the chocolate God to my mouth a chain came out of nowhere slicing it in half, and I could barely focus as I watched my true love fall to the ground.

"I WILL AVENGE YOU MY LOVE!!!! NO ONE WILL GET AWAY WITH THIS CRIME AGAINST YOU!!!" My voice was a hysterical scream by the end, but I didn't care, as I soon locked eyes with my love's murderer, which led me to remember why I was having a bad feeling about this mission, because stood right in front of me was the demon brothers.

"Oh shit...."
A/N: Hi everyone, I was quick with this update from my last one (at least in my opinion) if you notice any spelling mistakes please tell me as I wrote this on my tablet, which doesn't have autocorrect so It's killing me.
So bad news time, we are coming to the end of this story, I think there is around a few more chapters (6 at most) left, its been a great journey, so I hope you all stay till the end with me. :)

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