(Filler 1)

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I'm back to write some more, I'm going into a new diabetes treatment now so I have a week off school (though I still have to do essays that are due in like the next day) but that's not the point I'm able to write and that's that. It's currently 10:17 at night whilst I'm writing this and I won't stop till I'm done so let's get started! Remember it will always be in Sara's point of view unless stated otherwise (I feel like Sara is a different person than what I made her be 3 years ago :p)

Edit: I just needed to change the title as it was hard to keep count of what chapter it was.

//I am a line fear me//

All I wanted to do was sleep, but nooo! I had to be the only person in the world who when exhausted can't even manage to will themselves asleep. I mean, how hard can it be to just get into bed; close your eyes and drift off into darkness? Seriously, it's so frustrating that I can't even sleep right!

Since sleeping doesn't seem to be on the schedule for today why don't we just move along to the next option...exploring! What? I may know this village like the back of my hand but even I know there could be some hidden diamonds in the rough so to say.

As I got up to leave the warmth and safety of my bedsheets the nagging part of my brain decides to pipe up,
"Why leave and go out into the cold world when you can stay with the warmth of our lovely, enchanting bed." Ok, now I know it's not me, mainly because of the fact that I would never, ever use the words lovely and enchanting together, there are only 2 different beings that could be inside my head, one is a Yamanaka but none are nearby and I'm not unconscious thank you very much so that only leaves...

"'Bout time you figured it out brat, I thought you were the smarter of the two but maybe your just as much as an imbecile as that brother of yours."

{Of course it just had to be the voice of the oh-so welcoming and happy go-lucky voice of my mind-mate Ulric. Take note on the heavy layering of sarcasm poured all over everything I just said.}

"I would be a lot happier if I could be free of this cage where I could roam free and in a village that I can destroy between my paws."

{I would be a lot happier if you didn't decide to read my thoughts whilst I'm monologuing about my day with your snippy remarks!}


{That's better.}

Anyway, I walked out of my home (which might I add also seems to eerily resemble every other anime flat- seriously I've watched enough anime other than Naruto to know that it looks similar) and onto the streets where I instantly attracted some attention.

Sure most of it was mainly just being looked at with curiosity, I was the new girl in the village and a ninja to boot, how can I be trusted and what type of a person could I be? I could be as mysterious as a spy (quite ironic seeing as a ninja should be a better spy than spies) or I could literally be a bottle of sunshine.

"If only those poor mortals knew how boring you are and how much you try to make your life seem so much more interesting by adding in details that hardly make any sense."

{Hey I am not a boring person thank you very much, and what did I say about invading my thoughts you overgrown plushie!}

"Hey it's not my fault that you needed something to keep people reading, rather than this boring pile of garbage that you usually spout that no one actually reads and then you get nice comments because people are too nice to say that you really suck."

{Hey now you are breaking the last remnants of the first 4th wall! Now shut up and let me get back to my boring...I mean wonderfully exciting day that everyone enjoys because it's full of me!~}

Those who were bold and smart enough tried to keep eye contact whilst glaring as they knew I was the sibling of the object of their hatred, where as others just gave lustful gazes that will seriously get them nowhere in life.

"It's not like you an talk, I may not have been able to contact you before you came to be in this world but I do remember how you use to drool over that one guy...hmm who was it...Chris Hemsworth? Maybe Ian Somerhalder?"

{Aaah!~ Stay out of my mind you creep otherwise I'll stick Barbie on a loop until you shit the hell up!}

"Please that little girls song of yours won't even put a crack in my defence, that I've perfected over the millennia."

{That sing might not but I know one that will...smile}

"You wouldn't dare!"

{Try me}

"Still, don't you think that maybe, you should try and get into a relationship yourself before you judge others?"

{I'll fall in love when I find the right guy for me, he'll have to be around my height for now, taller than me in the future, has to have sea foam green eyes that sparkle in such a way that it pulls you in and dark glossy red hair that reminds you of the crimson colours that the sun shines when it sets.}

Amidst my own babbling I forgot two very important things, one being that there is one person who whilst currently not In the area does have the same appearance as the one I described, and the other being that I took my eyes off of where I was going so I ended up wandering into the surrounding forest around the village, where I suddenly bumped into something hard that made me fall back with a gasp.

Looking up I couldn't help but blush as staring back at me was sea foam green eyes.

"I guess this means that your falling in love. Ulric-1 Sara-0"

// I am a mighty line that marks the end of this chapter//

Ok so it was a short chapter but this was only part one, part two should be out soon. Anyway this is me signing off for now, bye!~

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