Chapter 10

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After finding out that we all passed we had a few days of rest and relaxation before we moved on to our cho- I mean 'D-Rank' missions....oh whom I kidding they are chores and we know it.

But anyway, my so called R&R wasn't very relaxing, you try looking after a hyperactive child with the mind-set of a six year old and you tell me how you feel. Literally, he was running all over the place, screaming at the top of his lungs about how he was a ninja now, he destroyed my carpet! My poor, brand new, carpet that never got to see past day one without having a stain in it! What's worst of all is that I don't even have any stain removers, because apparently 'Ninja don't need to worry about stains.' Well sorry that I'd prefer to not have a stain that glares at me every time I enter the room.

You want to know the first thing, his Ninja Identity picture. What the hell is that thing? I swear he literally spent 2 hours in the bathroom doing it as if it was some sort of tradition, oh I could already see the reactions before we even left our apartment. Well, at least I look good, if one of us has to look bad I'd rather it be him than me.

But we should probably move on to what happened after our R&R, because I'm pretty sure your bored of hearing how Naruto acts like a complete buffoon and how I never do anything productive to stop him, right?

So our first mission was to clean the river (who knew there was so many rivers in Konoha) as some of the civilians were saying how it was disgusting to walk by, yet as we were cleaning it Naruto somehow managed to get soaked, get cut by a plastic bag, and then have all of the litter fall all over him, yeah I wasn't impressed, especially since I was soaked too, I could literally feel Sasuke gazing at me trying to see through my shirt (worst day to wear a white shirt). In the end we had to spend an extra hour, picking up all of the litter that dropped on Naruto, leaving us exhausted, hungry and just wanting to kill him for his clumsiness.

Our next mission wasn't any easier, we had to pick weeds from an old lady's tea garden, sounds simple enough right? Wrong! Everything turned out to be a disaster! Naruto, in all of his ingenious stupidity managed to rip out every single weed and every single plant from his section of the garden.
The beating he got afterwards was inevitable, but seriously that old woman could swing her bag around as if it was her lifeline. We ended up walking away with a heavily bruised Naruto, a very irate Sasuke, a drooling Sakura and a lazy Kakashi (what's new)...oh and me but you know, I'm too bored to do anything productive.

Our next mission was to baby sit, I loved the little devils, they were better behaved than my whole team was combined, well when they were around me anyway, once anyone else tried to pick them up they would scream and cry until I took over, all in all it was a productive mission.

Our final mission had to be the final straw for Naruto, we had to walk dogs and let's just say that Naruto... is not the best around animals. It started off with him picking the biggest dog, saying something about how the best of the group should get the hardest obstacles, in this case the obstacle being the large black dog that pretty much dwarfed me in height. I loved my dog however, it was a cute little brown ball of fluff, it looked so much like Akamaru, except for the different colour of its fur. After around ten minutes of slow-paced walking, Naruto's dog (who'm I named Rocket, after his ability to just run off like a rocket) decided it was time to live up to it's newly appointed name, by speeding off down the road, dragging a unwilling and screaming Naruto down the busy streets of Konoha. Let's just say that Naruto won't be liking dogs for a long while.

When we finally found Naruto, he was flat on his face over a knocked over trash can that the dog was using as a make-shift fort of some sort. After taking the dog back to the Inazuka kennels, and getting chewed out by some of the clan members for 'bad dog sitting' we were on route to the Hokage tower, to hopefully get a better mission, but with this sort of life the best missions end up being the most dangerous.

Walking down the streets I could still hear the harsh whispers about me and Naruto, how we were just waiting for someone to mess up before we attack. They need to grow up, when will they realise that if Naruto or I wanted to destroy the village and become the 'demons that we are' then we would have done so by now, why would we have waited and grown up, if we could have just finished the job when the village was too busy mourning over their losses. Stupid close-minded idiots.

We finally made it into the Hokage tower, seriously who's smart idea was it to give the tower that many stairs, are they trying to cause someone to have a heart attack from walking because I can assure you, it will happen one day.

Our usual routine started, Kakashi-Sesei giving his report, Naruto started to whine, Iruka giving us a lecture, but for some reason everything, like something was going to happen, and it's just my luck that Naruto was prone to breaking routines.

"...I'm not a little kid anymore! We deserve a better mission!" Naruto's scratchy shouting snapped me out of my thoughts.

Iruka-Sensei and the Hokage both looked at each other before giving an evil smirk that sent shivers down my spine.

"Bring in our guest..."

Naruto, I'll kill you for this!

Hi everyone!!!! It's been so long! I'm really sorry but I underestimated the amount of time I need to spend on revision for exams, writing essays and trying to keep my blood sugar levels in check.
So when I publish this I will have just turned 17 so happy Birthday to me, and anyone else who has their birthday today, hopefully I can sort something out to write more, but I'm currently working with a friend of mine on an idea that we both thought of, which is 'Blooming Blossom' as some of you may have already seen by now.
Anyway, it's been really great to have you all here, reading my story (still).
Have a cyber cookie for your troubles. (>^.^)>🍪

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