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Hey, so I guess we all saw this coming at some point or another, especially those of you who started out with me from the beginning.

This story has basically been neglected and let go, I enjoyed writing parts of it but I fell out of love with it after a while.

The only thing is I didn't want to leave you guys with nothing to go off with apart from that really bad last chapter I wrote (which was over a year ago or something now wasn't it... I'm a really horrible person for making you guys wait that long).

So to make up for it I have decided to write the ending that I had planned for book 1 (funny thing is that the ending was the only thing I had actually planned from the beginning) and I might give a description of what I wanted to happen in book 2 (also had bits of that planned).

If I do decide to try and pick up writing a 'Naruto' book again, I hope that it would be a lot better than this book, and that it also doesn't leave you all waiting years for a new chapter (again I am really sorry about that), but for now I think I will just finish the ending for this book (which is a time skip to the fight between team 7 and Zabuza's final showdown) and then move on from Naruto for the time being.

Thank you for staying with me and reading this book, I hope you all enjoy the ending that I have had planned since I started this book 4 (nearly 5 O.O) years ago.

Karl 🦊

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