Chapter 1

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Life has been good for us. Ever since our escape from hell, we couldn't be happier. Eurynomus hasn't changed since we left. He's still the demon prince I fell in love with. Although at first, it was more lust than anything else. At least in his mind. After the hospital released me, Eurynomus took me to a rural countryside. Far away from anything living besides the animals. I didn't really agree to this at first. But figured it was the best solution. Being around humans or demons got us into trouble. We didn't want that. He surprised me by not telling me it was a farmhouse. I instantly fell in love with it. It took us awhile to make it ours, but it was perfect. I missed Carrie. But she called me before we moved out here and told me she found the love of her life. I was happy for her. I missed the city a bit. This place was very peaceful. Sitting out on the porch, my eyes gazed out at the open pasture. Nothing for miles around, it was super quiet besides the animals. A hand gently touched my shoulder. Eurynomus stood next to me. He was wearing a red plaid shirt and blue jeans. His sleeves were rolled up. "Are you okay?"

I nodded quietly. He's been distant with me lately. Every time I try to ask, he pushes it off like its nothing. Pleading with him doesn't even work. He wakes up from terrible nightmares. This has been going on for the last week. He refuses to talk about it. I stood up and walked into the house. Eurynomus followed behind me. "Isabel, please tell me what's wrong?" I wouldn't look at him, my back was facing him. Footsteps got closer to me. His claws gently ran down my arms. "I hate that you've been pushing me away."

I slowly turned around and glared at him. "I've been..." He quickly kissed me. I pushed him away. Sometimes I forget that were still marked. It was one of the last things he did before I woke up in the hospital. He slowly looked away from me. "You're upset about me not talking to you about the nightmares." I wanted to walk away but his hands grabbed my arm. "Isabella please."

"We've been out here for a few months. You've taken me away from anything I knew. I know you did it to protect me. But I can tell you things. You chose not to." I pulled my arm away from him.

He sighed deeply. "I can't tell you everything still. I have to keep some secrets. I'm still a demon prince." He still was, but it seemed like he put us into hiding for another reason. Eurynomus tried to touch my face, but I kept backing away from him.

"No. You can't touch me right now." I spoke sternly. His eyes began to glow. Almost like the first time I met him in the junk yard. It still gave me goosebumps to this day. My body slowly backed away. I didn't know what he had planned but I was getting ready to run.

He tried to get closer, but I kept moving away. "Don't make me say it." I threatened him. Without warning, he quickly pulled me into his arms. Pushing and shoving did nothing. He began to tip my body backwards. His breath hit my neck. Our eyes locked to each other's. "You're still mine Isabella." His lips started kissing down my neck. My body wanted to give into him. I refused to have sex with him for about a week now. I wanted him to talk to me and open up. He had something else in mind. "Eurynomus stop..."

His eyes went to mine. "Stop what?" I stayed quiet. "You really want me to stop?" His claw ran up my leg towards the bottom of my shorts. I tried to push my body away from him. He kept me in place. "I know you miss me being inside of you." He kissed my ear. My mind was losing focus. I wanted to give into him. But that would mean he still wouldn't talk to me. He chuckled as his breath hit my ear. "Come on Isabella. Let's play for a little bit." He lifted me over his shoulder like a bag of flour. Kicking and shoving did nothing. He climbed up the stairs towards our room. Yes, our room. He liked it better than his old room. The old bedroom. Deep in the pits of hell, where you could hear tortured souls screaming for hours on end. He walked inside the room. The bed had red satin sheets. I figured he couldn't leave those behind.

"Eurynomus... I don't want this! Put me down!" He gently set me on my feet and smirked at me. His fingers gently ran through my hair towards my cheek. "I know you don't mean it. You want to give into me but you're still trying to fight it." My eyes went to the floor. He pulled my chin up to face him. "Also, you would have commanded me to stop. I've heard my name a couple times now. But nothing telling me to stop doing whatever it is you don't want me to do." His fingers turned into claws. They ran down my bare shoulders towards my tank top straps. He's gotten smarter about me being specific with things. If I tell him to stop now, he's only going to continue doing it. His claws ran down my breasts. He was teasing me. I tried to leave the room, but he pushed me back onto the bed. Within seconds, he was on top of me. His eyes gazed down at my helpless body. "Do you really not want me?" He unbuttoned my shorts and pulled them off. My eyes went to his. "Not even... a little?" He was about to remove my tank top when I jumped up.

"I want to make a deal with you." I spoke up. He smiled evilly at me. He loves making deals with me. Especially since the last one I made went 'so well.' "I'll have sex with you. If you talk about your nightmares afterwards."

He climbed off of me and sat on the edge of the bed. I sat up and waited. He took in a deep breath. "That's all you want?" He glanced back at me. I nodded. He puffed a little. "Humans." He mumbled.

My face turned a little red. "You were opening up to me. Once we got out here, you shut down again." He pulled me into his lap. I could feel how hard he was.

Eurynomus kissed my head as his hand held my waist. "I'm still a demon. I don't need to scare you with my vivid dreams." Before I could speak, he kissed me. My mind flashed with images of hell. The devil standing there, yelling about something. Hearing the sounds of people being tortured still scares me to this day. He pulled away. My hands touched his chest. "It's different from being there. I took us out here to protect you. If he ever did come back, it would be harder to find us. I'm trying to keep you safe Bella." He had nightmares about his father coming back. I felt a little guilty. He did most of this to keep me safe. "I know you don't really like it out here. But it's what's best for us." I quietly nodded.

His hands grasped my breasts and began to play with my nipples. I moaned softly. "I kept my end. Are you going to keep yours?" Nodding my head, he didn't waste any time. Withing seconds, we were both lying on the bed, naked. He rubbed his dick against me. My back arched up. It's been way too long. My body desperately wanted him. His eyes met mine. "Do you want me, Isabella?" I nodded. "Tell me." He continued to tease me. He was making this difficult. I just wanted to feel him inside of me again. "Eurynomus please fuck me." He quickly started pounding into me. Harder and faster. I moaned loudly in pleasure. How could I have withheld for this long? I missed this so much. His claws dug into my skin. Once he came, his body collapsed next to mine. He was breathing heavy. I rolled over and placed my head on his chest. His arms wrapped around me. "You're still too perfect for me." Eurynomus kissed my head gently. My mind went back to what he showed me. There must have been something else he was hiding. But I had no proof that he was. I just wanted to enjoy being close to him once again.

It was torture pushing him away for so long. But we were together now. Couples talk to each other and open up. This was all still new to him, and I just have to keep reminded him. Demons don't talk to each other or talk about their feelings. Eurynomus says it's a sign of weakness. I didn't see him as weak. The way he treats me is a thousand times better than being with a human man. Eurynomus glanced down at me. "Are you still mad?" I shook my head as it rested on his chest. "I would be mad too if I rejected sex for a week over some silly dream." I glared at him. He just laid there and smiled. Some still seemed off. I could see it on his face. Until I had more proof, I would just have to go with his word for now.

Your Wish is My Command (Sequel to Under My Demon's Command)Where stories live. Discover now