Chapter 5

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After a few hours of endless sex, we finally collapsed on the bed. The red satin sheets wrapped around our sweaty bodies. Eurynomus was actually exhausted from all of this. He held me in his arms. "I can't remember the last time we've gone this long." He kissed my head. My hand rested on his chest. I smiled up at him. "I love you."

His fingers gently ran across my face. "I love you too Bella." He seemed to go quiet. I sat up and gave him a look. His eyes met mine. "I'm sorry. I think I need a shower." He stood up and walked over to the bathroom. My body laid in the sheets. My eyes began to feel heavy. Eurynomus fell to the ground. I bolt up and ran over to him. I started shaking him. "Hey, wake up." His eyes slowly opened. Grabbing his arm, I threw it over my shoulder. He slowly stood up and walked back to the bed. As he sat down, his body collapsed back on the bed. He fell asleep. I knew it wasn't too much longer before it came for me. These potions affected the both of us. After covering us up with the blanket, I ended up passing out.

A loud booming voice could be heard. Then something started shaking me. I couldn't understand what was going on. Something was messing with my body. Then I felt it lift me up. Opening my eyes, Eurynomus was carrying me. "What..." I tried to ask still half asleep. He quickly glanced down at me then placed me inside a closet. His demon eyes glanced over his shoulder. Then back at me. "Do not come out until I return." He quickly shut the door. Before I could ask him anything, I passed out again.

I woke up again. This time, I didn't recognize anything. The place was decorated with tapestry hanging off the walls and on the ceiling. The bed was a circle with red, blue and green sheets and pillows. This was strange. What place did I manage to end up to? Eurynomus hid me in a closet. This certainly wasn't one. A wide door with gold trim opened up. To my horror, it was Azazel. He shut the door and locked it. His head slowly turned towards me as he grinned with delight. Looking around, there was nowhere for me to run. I was trapped. He slowly made his way towards me. He still had the brown and gold stripped corset on. "How is it that we keep finding each other?" His voice was seductive.

Swallowing my spit, I had to remain calm. Maybe the potion was still working. "You purposely dragged me here." He stood at the edge of the bed. His fingers ran across the sheets. His green eyes stared into mine. "It's been a long time since anyone has been in my bed." One of his hands ran down his chest, all the way down to his junk. He grabbed his crotch and squeezed. Azazel smirked at me. "I think you can fix that problem."

I stood up by the side of the bed, keeping my eyes on him. "I'm not interested in you." Within seconds, he stood in front of me. His hands pulled me close to his chest. "Not yet at least." He tipped me backwards. His lips kissed my neck, trailing down to my collarbone. My heart was thumping loudly. He stopped and glanced up at me. "You'll give into me. You may not want me." His hand grabbed my breast. "But your body does." I shoved him away and raced over to the door. I tried to open it, but it was locked. Looking at the door, there was a keyhole. Azazel made a noise. My head slowly turned back at him, he held up a key around his neck. "You're not leaving anytime soon." My mind began racing. I had to get out of here.

Eurynomus, please help me. I'm trapped in Azazel's room.

Azazel made his way to me. My back was against the door. He placed his arm on the door, blocking me from moving. His fingers grazed over my face. "You would feel so much better, once you let me in." He pressed his body into mine. Letting me know, how hard he was. "I can make you feel a thousand times better." He started grinding his body against me. My breath was getting heavier. The potion might have been wearing off. Or maybe he was too strong for it. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on something else. His hand wrapped around my throat, gently squeezing it. His mouth was close to my ear. "You want me to be inside of you. If you give into me, things will be a lot easier." His breath hitting my ear only made it worse. I had to resist these urges as long as possible.

Your Wish is My Command (Sequel to Under My Demon's Command)Where stories live. Discover now