Chapter 9:

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The next morning, the sun shined in my face. Slowly opening my eyes, something was different in the room. After focusing my eyes for a few minutes. There were flowers everywhere. Vines growing across the walls and ceiling. All decorated in flowers. There were so many different types. Sitting in a chair front of the bed, was a man in a long dark robe. He was reading a book and didn't notice me yet. I quietly shook Eurynomus awake. He sat up and looked where my eyes did. He sat up even more and reached for his shirt. He handed it to me as I slipped it on. Eurynomus jumped out of bed. "Who the fuck are you?" The man quickly jumped from his seat. He held up his hands. Eurynomus grabbed him by the collar and pulled him closer to his face. Eurynomus turned into his demon form. The man gulped. "I definitely have the right place. She said this would happen." I was able to find my shorts and slipped them back on. I got out of bed and walked over to him. "Who's she?"

"Persephone of course." He spoke. Eurynomus quickly turned back. He set the guy back down. He fixed his robe. "She's on her way back with Hades and has requested to see you both before the banquet tonight." Eurynomus glanced at me. I could see what he was thinking. It was nothing but bad thoughts. I gave him a reassuring face but he ignored it. Eurynomus looked back. "We'll be there."

The man clapped. "That's great. Isabella, you have to make sure you're there an hour before meeting with the goddess."

I raised my eyebrow. "Where are we meeting her?"

Eurynomus spoke before the guy could. "The master guest chambers in the top level of hell. Hades always stays there when he visits."

The man nodded. "Please accept this gift from the goddess. She has blessed your room. This is now a safe zone if you ever need it." He bowed before he vanished in a blink of an eye. Eurynomus turned to looked back at me. "Nothing good..."

I cut him off. "How about you wait until later before you give me your horrible thoughts." He grew quiet then nodded. He walked over to my side and put his pants on. I hid my smile. "You raced after him naked."

Eurynomus shrugged. "I don't care. If he was here to hurt you, I wasn't going to worry about covering up." His fingers trailed down my face. "You're not allowed to leave my side until everything is over." I kissed the palm of his hand. Eurynomus pulled away. "We have a little bit of time." He glanced back at me. "I want to show you something." He held out his hand. Without questioning it, I took it. Within seconds, my bedroom disappeared before my eyes. We ended up in a dark place. Nothing but a bright light hung above us. There was a giant pond with willow trees surrounding it. What made me jump, was the skeletons walking around aimlessly. I backed into Eurynomus.

He chuckled. "They won't harm us. They don't even know we exist." One skeleton walked up to the pond and dove into it. Within seconds, his bones turned into a floating white spirit. His eyes were closed as his soul spun around in the water. "What is this place?" I whispered.

Eurynomus walked over to a willow tree. "I used to come here all the time, just to clear my head. This place is peaceful." My eyes went back to the water. A soul stopped by the edge, then as it took a step out. It turned into a skeleton again. Eurynomus grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "They tend to this place. This is all they've known for thousands of years." Looking into the pond, their outfits were all different. One looked like they were from Rome. Another from war world 2. My eyes went to his. "What are they?"

Eurynomus leaned against the tree. "They're considered lost souls. People that were killed in battle, basically innocents. Some were drafted into a war. Others had no choice but to defend their lands." His eyes went to the water. "It's a peaceful place for them." I walked over and placed myself in his arms. His lips touched my head. An image came to my head then suddenly vanished. I didn't get a chance to see what it was. Eurynomus looked down at me. "We need to go. Before we're late." We started walking across the grass. Darkness was around us then we ended up in his room. The place looked like it had been torn apart. The balcony window was shattered. The curtain was torn. Looking at the bed, the sheets were torn. Feathers were all over the place. Eurynomus growled furiously, causing the walls to shake. A ball of smoke formed in the middle of the room. The devil stood there, looking displeased. "Why are you scaring my souls?"

Your Wish is My Command (Sequel to Under My Demon's Command)Where stories live. Discover now