Chapter 7

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Eurynomus didn't stay. He made sure I was safe then left. I didn't understand why he didn't stay. It also made me wonder if he could see that I was thinking about Azazel. I sat in bed, pondering. I had to find Persephone. She was our only hope. She was the goddess of spring after all. There was still some good to her. Instead of going to bed, I grabbed my laptop and searched how to get ahold of her. After thirty minutes of searching, nothing. The only thing was to worship her. It says to burn something into the ground while placing your hands on it. Well, I could try it.

I tried to call, command and yell for Eurynomus to come back. Nothing. He didn't answer me at all. I couldn't help but feel defeated somehow. What if Azazel did something to block out our mark? I grew frustrated once my head started thinking about him again. I sat down on my bed and took a deep breath. Soon as I opened my eyes, Azazel stood in front of me. Before I could say anything, he pushed my body onto the bed. His hands ran down my inner thighs, going towards my shorts. He immediately unbuttoned them and took them off. I tried blinking several times. This had to be a dream. This wasn't actually happening. Eurynomus would have been here by now. Azazel rubbed his fingers over my V. I could help but moan. I tried to call for Eurynomus again. Nothing happened. He started going faster. My moans got louder and louder. He stopped. My panties were soaked. He moved my panties and slipped his fingers inside of me. He started thrusting them into me. My hands clenched the bed. He was making me feel so good. I couldn't help but want him even more. I sat up, grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him closer. He smirked as he kissed me. He continued to play with me. I couldn't count how many times I came. But it was enough for him to know. He bit my lip. "Tomorrow night." He whispered. His fingers ran down my chest. He took his fingers out and went to leave. "Please don't go." I got out. Azazel glanced back at me and smiled. "I can only give you a taste. You'll just have to wait for the main course tomorrow." He disappeared after that.

My body jolted up.  Looking around the room, I was alone. My laptop was still open. The screen was black. Sighing, I fell asleep. Thank God it was just a dream. Or he did want me to believe it was a dream? Falling back onto the bed, I couldn't help but feel disappointed. My body wanted him to keep going. But my heart felt guilty. Eurynomus knew how to touch me. He was the only one I wanted to have me like that. Shaking my head, I tried putting myself back together. I needed to find Persephone. What garden could I use? The park on the west side of town was perfect! It was heavily guarded at night though. I needed help. There was one demon I knew of, that could help me. I rushed into the kitchen, grabbed some black candles and lit them. Placing a book in between them, I closed my eyes and prayed. Eurynomus left me this book in case I ever needed to call for help.

   Within seconds, Sith appeared. "Since you wanted to disturb my sacred rituals tonight," He snatched the book, wagging it at me. "This better be good reading material." He flipped through the pages. "Natural and unnatural human diseases." He smelled the book. "It's the old smells that entice me." His eyes rolled in the back of his head, only showing the whites of his eyes. Then went back to normal. Crossing my arms, I waited for him to stop having a hard on with the book. He placed his hand on his hip. "Why did you summon me?"

"Do you know why Eurynomus won't answer me?" I asked.

Sith rolled his eyes. "Why am I the 'go to demon' about relationships?"

"There's more to it than that. I..."

He held up his hand. "One question at a time!" He took a breath. "His father sent him on a two-day mission that needs to get completed before Hades arrives."

"I don't think he can hear me. Azazel came by here, I think..." I wasn't going to mention how hot and bothered he got me. Not even the fact that he put his fingers inside of me. My mind still couldn't figure out if he was really here or not. Sith stared at me. He snapped his fingers. "He's using his powers on you. He's somehow been able to block your mark. You're not going to be able to call Eurynomus for a while. He's made you on your own. Azazel could hear you, if you called him that is." Sith seemed agitated.

Your Wish is My Command (Sequel to Under My Demon's Command)Where stories live. Discover now