Chapter 4

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We didn't much of a choice. But we went back to my old apartment. I basically left everything here besides some clothes I took. Eurynomus sat on my bed, his head hung low. Looking around outside, it was pretty quiet. No one was walking around outside. The light rain was keeping everyone away. I walked over to him. He turned away from me. "I honestly don't know what to say. We can't keep running. I'm not strong enough to protect you from all four of them." His claws ran through his hair. Eurynomus seemed to be stuck inside his mind.

My hand touched his face. "You haven't exactly been yourself since the nightmares began. There has to be something you can do." He stood up and walked to the corner of the room. He took a deep breath. "Your brother mentioned them killing me once they get an heir. He said he could be the only one to save me."

Eurynomus rolled his eyes. "You might as well go with him. He's more powerful than me." He spoke sarcastically. Eurynomus seemed more agitated that I mentioned Azazel.

I stood up and walked over to him. Crossing my arms against my chest, "Stop it. I'm not going with him." I shot him a dirty look. He didn't seem to care.

"You didn't run away after he was telling you this." He mumbled. I slapped him as hard as I could across his face. He froze. Taking in a deep breath, his head slowly turned towards me. He grabbed me and pinned me against the wall. My chest was slowly rising and falling. Our eyes met. "You need to stop this. My body was frozen in place. I didn't fall in love with him. I love you. Yes, in the beginning, you only wanted sex. But you eventually felt the same. Do you think I would be willing to jump to another demon because he has powers?" He quietly stared at me. Eurynomus knew I was right. He was letting his emotions get the best of him. "Now, please think. There has to be a way to beat them."

His facial expression changed. "There may be a way." He let me go and rushed to the front door. I followed behind him. He turned to face me. "Stay here."

I raised my eyebrow at him. "No way."

His face turned serious. "I cannot take you to hell with me. That's exactly what they'll be expecting. You're safer up here." He pulled me into his arms. "I love you."

I smiled a little bit. "I love you, too." His hands rested against my shoulder. He kissed me, then rested his forehead against me. "There's a bag of salt in the kitchen. If one of them shows up, make a circle and stay in it. Call me if you're in trouble." He walked over to the door and vanished. My heart sank. It reminded me of all the times he had to leave me up here. Something started making noise. I searched around for it. It was coming from the couch. Searching between the cushions, my cell phone was going off. It was Carrie. I quickly answered it. Her voice came booming on the other side. "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN? It's like you dropped off the face of the earth! After Erin took you home from the hospital, I haven't been able to get ahold of you!"

I sighed. I wasn't sure she remembered everything that had happened to us. "Erin wanted me to relax and enjoy life again. So, he took me to the countryside for a few months. I'm sorry. It was a last-minute thing. He left my phone here."

She took a giant breath. "Well... that's very nice of him. I called because I wanted you to come to my wedding!"

My mouth dropped. "He proposed already? Congratulations! When is it?"

She giggled. "Next weekend. Also, I wanted you to be my bridesmaid. But he wants his sister to be one since she's never been in a wedding. And my half-sister wanted to be the maid of honor. Otherwise, it would have been you." I smiled. So much has happened in a few months. My smile faded when I realized that I could never marry Eurynomus. Every time we turn around, his family is always after us. "My fiancé is paying for everything."

Your Wish is My Command (Sequel to Under My Demon's Command)Where stories live. Discover now