Chapter 3

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Eurynomus lead me over to the couch. I sat down a seat away from him. He slowly sat down. His body collapsed. He took in a deep breath then looked at me. I quietly waited for him to start talking. He grabbed my ankle and pulled me closer. Before I could object, he kissed me. A image popped into my head. He was worried about me loving his brother. My hands pushed him away. I raised my eyebrow. "Really? Why would I suddenly like him?"

He shrugged. "He's always stolen whatever girl I had. His eyes hypnotize them to do whatever he wants." That's nice to know. He looked away. My hand touched his cheek. "I knew this was going to happen." He mumbled.

"That they, your brothers, would come looking for you?" I asked, confused.

He shook his head. "For them, my brothers, to come looking for you." Still confused, I just stared at him. He sighed. "I don't want to tell you everything. It may scare you enough to leave me. I just got you back..." His voice sounded defeated. He got up and dragged himself upstairs. I've never seen him act like this before. I quickly chased after him upstairs. Once I reached the top, Eurynomus grabbed me and held me close in his arms. I didn't fight or try to get away. His whole body started shaking. My eyes went up to his. His eyes were very sad. He knew something I didn't. And whatever it was, it wasn't very good.

"Eurynomus..." His hand covered my mouth.

"I will tell you about my family. That's it. Got it?" My eyes narrowed to the ground, then nodded. He raised his eyebrow at me. "Do not try and trick me. Or else I'll turn myself invisible for a week." Could he actually do that? Eurynomus had many powers. I've only seen a few. He carried me into the bedroom. We sat down. Once he calmed down, he grabbed my hands. "My brothers and I were created or giving special purposes. To make hell greater and more powerful. To one day, take over earth. Belial & Levistus are dead. Belial ate and ate until his body exploded. After the third one, father stopped giving him bodies. Levistus caused the greatest and most hated war in history to break out. He was in the middle of unleashing his chaos when a bomb went off and destroyed him. Supposedly, we've never seen him since. Pythius likes to cause sadness and anguish into the world. You've met Azazel. Merihem chases whoever he wants. Man or Woman. Ramiel thinks more about himself than anything. Father almost banished him until he promised to care more about his family. And then there's me. You know what I'm capable of." His eyes met mine. "Have you counted us up yet?"

It took me a minute to understand what he meant. Slowly coutning each one in my head. Seven. "You guys are the seven deadly sins?" I asked shocked.

He half nodded. "I just eat dead corpses. I don't have anything like my brothers do. Father wanted me to feel like I belonged once my mother aborted me." I forgot how much I hated the devil. Eurynomus pulled me into his lap. He kissed my head and wrapped his arms around me. He definitely seemed like he was off. "I'm sorry Isabella. I need to know that you still want to be with me."

I kissed his chest. He seemed to relax a bit. "I'm not going anywhere."

"You say that now." He mumbled. I pulled his face down to look at me. But he kissed me again. I could see all of his thoughts. Even the one he was keeping from me. His brothers were after me. That night, Eurynomus found me in the junk yard, was no accident. I jumped out of his arms and stood up. "You knew? The real reason why I ended up there. Why are they after me?" He silently sat there, unmoving. "Eurynomus..."


They want... a baby?

My knees buckled as I dropped to the floor. Eurynomus silently stared at me. "They lured you in my path on purpose. I was only supposed to trap you in hell and have sex with you until I grew tired of you. Then, you would go back to earth. But they didn't expect you to put up a good fight to stop me from having sex. I didn't learn this until we were separated for that long period. Once I told them, you went back to earth, and I didn't know anything else. I haven't seen them since. I didn't know they were still searching for you."

Your Wish is My Command (Sequel to Under My Demon's Command)Where stories live. Discover now