Chapter 16

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      Her words hit me like a large wave. Engulfing me within the water then smacking into the hard shore. She looked at Eurynomus. "When Sith and Eurynomus went to rescue you from Azazel. You were already gone. They found you freezing to death. You were barely alive. Once you went back to earth, that's when you died." My legs felt like jello. I took a step back and fell to the ground. Eurynomus dropped to the ground with me. Tears formed in my eyes. "I don't... I don't understand..."

She kneeled down to my level. "You don't remember it. And it's okay. Eurynomus made Sith swear not to tell you until the time was right." Her voice was soft.

My eyes searched around. "Azazel wasn't trying to kill me." My eyes widened. "He wanted my soul. That's why you guys were trying to protect me."

Sith sat in front of me, spreading his robes out. "I had to pretend that you were still alive. The blue that you saw on your fingers and toes, was from freezing to death. The stuff I injected you with, wasn't medicine. It was a hallucinated. Carrie found your body and was hysterical. You didn't see that of course."

Eurynomus placed his hand on my shoulder. "I did talk to her. But it was about your funeral." Tears escaped my eyes. "It was a beautiful service. You would have loved it." I leaped into the air and backed away from them. They stood up and watched me. My heart was beating in my chest. Or something that felt like it was...

"None of you come near me. Why couldn't you guys just tell me I was dead? Why make it seem like I wasn't?" Eurynomus tried to go near me. "YOU STAY THE FUCK AWAY."

He held up his hands. "Isabella-"

"Did you even mark me again?" My chest was rising and falling.

He sighed. "I can't do it to someone who's dead. Sith gave you something in order to reconnect our connection." The last few days, week, whatever it was. Felt like a lie. My stomach was twisting and turning into knots.

Sith held up his hands as he stepped forward. "I know you would like to probably be alone. But you can't be alone right now. We can't have you run around hell looking like a glowing beam of light."

I gave him a confused look. "I'm glowing?"

Eurynomus glanced at me. "Your soul glows because you died and don't belong to the darkness."

"Why hasn't anyone from heaven tried to come to get me?" I asked. It would seem like if a soul gets lost, they would help it find the light.

He chuckled. "Oh, they've tried, believe me."

Persephone nodded. "Eurynomus chased the last two off. Hades tricked the first one by saying it was a mistake and that you belonged here." Hades stood up from the throne and walked over towards me. They stepped aside for him to come through. "You also wished for us to live forever. Why?"

My eyes slowly met his. "It didn't seem right for you two to fade out. You guys are great gods, even if others don't see it that way."

Hades touched my shoulder. "You saved me from death. Not knowing that you were sacrificing my wish to you. That's why I gave it to you. To use it on yourself. The glow would have gone away before Azazel could use it to his advantage."

My hand covered my mouth. "That's how he found me so quickly." Hades nodded. I looked at Eurynomus. "And today with Ramiel?" I asked.

He rolled his eyes. "Idiot didn't realize I was outside the door." My eyes went to the floor. Everything made sense. Eurynomus walked over to me. "Please hear me out." I remained silent. "There's an angel waiting at the gates of hell. He's ready to take you to Heaven, if you wish." His eyes looked away. Trying to hide his pain.

Your Wish is My Command (Sequel to Under My Demon's Command)Where stories live. Discover now