Chapter 15

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Persephone brought me to Sith. He was doing his best to stop the bleeding on my neck. The blood would seep through the bandages. Persephone used some of her powers to heal the wounds. The blood stopped after that. Sith sat in his chair, shaking his head. "This whole place is a fucking wreck."

She nodded. "Hades is looking for the devil now. Once he finds him, everything will be resolved." Something appeared from the shadows. I peeked behind their heads. Eurynomus stepped into the light. He was in his human form. His hair was wet. He must have taken a shower to get the blood off. Walking over to Sith, he handed him a jar. Sith sighed as he stared at it. "Now I have two deadly sins in a jar." My eyes widened. Azazel was dead. Eurynomus glanced over at me. My heart stopped. The way he was looking at me, was as if nothing else in the world mattered. The sky could be falling and he could careless. He walked over and lifted me up into his arms. He carried me into the backroom. Shutting the door, he set me down. His arms blocked me from leaving.

My back was against the wall. Heart beating at a thousand. His fingers grazed my cheek. "Are you alright Bella?" I nodded. His lips met mine. Hot air blew out of his nose. He was trying to calm down. Using me to force himself to relax. "I'm sorry you had to see that. It had to be done."

My fingers ran down the back of his head. "I know. I'm glad he's gone." His eyes stared into mine. His fingers trailed down to my neck. I grabbed his hand and place it on my breast. Eurynomus raised his eyebrow at me. "I don't want you to be angry anymore. I'm okay. You saved me, again."

He looked away and chuckled. "Your thoughts drove me crazy before I found you." I gave him a confused look. "When you thought I was dead. You thought that it was the end."

I nodded. "It felt like it. I thought he was there because he killed you."

He pulled me into his chest. My body rested on his. "I love you Bella. I'm not going to leave you alone in this place." He pulled a piece of my hair and set it on my shoulder. "You never have anything to worry about again." Before I could ask, something smashed in the next room. Eurynomus quickly opened the door. Hades had the devil in chains, forcing him into a chair. The devil snapped and growled like a manged dog. Eurynomus calmly walked out of the room. I followed close behind. Hades strapped the devil to the chair. Tightening the chains before letting go. The devil snarled. "You have no idea what you've done."

Sith stood next to him. "You broke your promise once again. You not only escaped from hell. But warned Azazel about Isabella still being alived."

He spit on the ground. "Is it really that awful if she dies?" Sith stared at him silently. Eurynomus made his way over to the devil. He glared at him. The devil laughed. "Happy to have your whore alive?"

Eurynomus crossed his arms. He wasn't showing any kind of emotion. "Your behavior has caused a lot of chaos in hell."

The devil lost his smile. "My behavior? I'm the leader of hell. I can do whatever the fuck I please."

"Not anymore." He spoke. "You're taking the backseat for awhile." The devil growled low. Eurynomus pulled a tube out of his pocket. There was a black glowing liquid inside. He handed it to Sith. "You can have your power to torture and torment others back. Sith will put it back later. The other half that I gained, was removed before I took Azazel down." The devil was panting. Almost like he was going to explode. "I'll be taking your place for awhile. Till things settle down."

Something started whispering in my ear. I turned to look, nothing. Glancing around, nothing had changed. Eurynomus looked at Hades. "We made a truce and have given each other more land and roles. We have to honor those before us. Not act like our dicks are bigger." Something scraped my arm. Looking around, nothing was there. This was strange. What was going on? The devil chuckled very low. "You think this will keep me at bay? Do whatever you two please, while I take the back seat? I have been the leader of hell for centuries." The voices grew louder in my ears. My hands covered them as I dropped to the ground. Persephone kneeled to my level. Eurynomus whipped around, his eyes widened. "CUT IT THE FUCK OUT."

Your Wish is My Command (Sequel to Under My Demon's Command)Where stories live. Discover now