Chapter 8

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Eurynomus took me to a different place in hell. It's not a place I would ever dream of going to. It was in the darkest, deepest part of hell. He called it a safe house. I called it a prisoner's holding. The entrance to this place was covered in large thorns, leading up to a giant cave with a door blocking off anything and everything. The inside looked like a normal house. If you wanted to include the California king bed in the center of the room. The sheets weren't as soft as Eurynomus's. Four pieces of chains hung over the bed. Leather straps hung on the poles on the bedposts. Eurynomus sat on the other side of the room. I couldn't tell if he was angry at me or his brothers. He just sat there, in silence. I was sitting on the edge of the bed. It was so quiet, a pin could drop, and we both would hear it. I went to get up. "STAY." He ordered loudly. Placing my hands in my lap, I honestly didn't know what to do or say. He made me feel like I was walking on eggshells. He took a deep breath before standing up. He stormed over to me. My whole body slid up onto the bed. Eurynomus stood in front of me. "I told you not to go to any of these things. And you fucking did anyway." My eyes narrowed to the sheets. "Why didn't you call me until you realized all my brothers were there?" He was steaming and was trying to stay calm. But I could tell it was very hard for him.

I grabbed my legs and pulled them into my chest. "I..."

He cut me off. "You knew it was Azazel. You went along with it because you like him." My cheeks flared up. I jumped off the bed so quick and got in his face. He was taken by surprise. My eyes glared at him. "I didn't know until the wedding. I wanted to find you as fast as I could."

He crossed his arms. "You also went behind my back." Before I could say a word, he kept going. "Sith accidently told me what you did last night. I thought we agreed we could do this without the gods assistance?"

Rolling my eyes, "You agreed. Persephone didn't ask for much in return."

Smoke started coming from his nose. He was really angry with me. "What? We can only have sex every six months?" He snarled.

Giving him a dirty look. "No. She said she would help if my idea worked. My idea to help rekindle their love was to regrow Hades's favorite fruit tree. You have no faith in me. You've been jumping down my throat ever since you could sense Azazel was around me. I do not love him. I love you. You are making things complicated by not reaching out for help."

His hands grabbed my arms and squeezed. "I got Sith. What the fuck do you think I've been doing? Searching for answers to stop my brothers." He was slowly losing his temper. My eyes didn't look away from his. I remained silent. Eurynomus growled loudly before tossing me onto the bed. He paced back and forth. Trying to calm himself down. He glanced over at me, then took a deep breath. "I know you love me. I can see it. But... I can't stand to see Azazel try to take you away." Eurynomus seemed frustrated. Slowly climbing off the bed, I walked over to him. Grabbing his hand, my eyes met his. "Please trust me."

His forehead rested against mine. "Of course I trust you Isabel." His hand cupped my cheek. "I'm really sorry." Before I could say another word, the door busted open. Ramiel, Merihem, Pythius, Levistus & Azazel came inside. Eurynomus wrapped his arm around my throat, putting me in a headlock. I tried to move but he kept me in place. Levistus grinned from ear to ear. "Great job. I knew we could count on you."

Ramiel fluffed his hair. "Its about time that we can get this done. Father will be so happy."

Merihem leaned against the wall, letting his clothes slip open to reveal his chest. "The baby should be born before Hades returns."

My eyes widened. Eurynomus was letting them do this to me?! I tried to move but he held me in place. Levistus got closer to me. His claws ran across my face. He grinned at Eurynomus. "You know what to do brother." His deep voice spoke.

Your Wish is My Command (Sequel to Under My Demon's Command)Where stories live. Discover now