Bonus Chapter

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     Persephone waited by the dead fruit tree. Her heart was steadily beating. Hades had not been the same in years. She tried to make him happy but it seemed to no avail. Nothing made him even smile anymore. She was hoping Isabella's idea about the tree would work. Problem was, she needed Hades there. If she could put a spark back to their love, maybe the tree would bloom. The tree stood on an island, far from any mortal. Large body of water protected if from any threat. This tree meant a lot to Hades. Persephone did a great job taking good care of it. Up until it began to wither away. There was nothing she could do to stop it.

     The water began to stir. Her eyes looked out. There was nothing but fog sitting on the water. Out in the distance, a long canoe rowed towards her. A skeleton was pushing the canoe across the water. He halted as close to shore as he could. Hades jumped out of the canoe and rushed over to her. He was in his royal grey cloak with a black sash across his body. His hair looked a mess. He must have been tugging on it the whole way here, she thought. Hades grabbed Persephone and hugged her tightly. "What happened? Are you hurt?" His voice was frantic. She enjoyed his hug. It had been a long time since they had been this close. Hades pulled her away so he could see her face. "Please tell me. I'm here now."

Her hand touched his cheek. "Nothing is wrong. I am fine."

His worried face turned into a pissed off face. "Why did you scare me like that? I thought something bad happened. I left for a few hours and all I get is a note saying to come back quick."

She tried to remain strong. Trying to not let the tears through. They needed to talk. This was her chance. "Things haven't been the same between us lately."

Hades rolled his eyes. "You know I have been busy. Souls have to make it to their correct locations. And my bone head assistants fucked up, so I've been fixing that." Persephone crossed her arms. Hades raised his eyebrow at her. "What? I'm the god of the underworld. This is my job."

      Her hands went to her side. She hated when he talked about his job. Persephone calmed down. "We haven't been the same in years. All we do is fight. That's not why I wanted you to come back." His hand gently touched her face. His eyes stared into hers. There were storms behind his eyes. Persephone knew she could reach into his soul. "I miss us. Do you remember the first day we met?"

Hades smirked at her. "Before or after I dragged you down here?" His fingers grabbed her curls and twirled them around.

She rolled her eyes. "No. We were here, remember? The tree was on earth once before. My mother said someone stole the whole tree. Everyone searched high and low. Until I went too far and found it here. You stole it."

Hades gave her a dirty look. "My brother wouldn't let me stay on earth long enough to enjoy it. Besides, those apples were delicious. The best I've ever had. I took it." He gently kissed her cheek. "I found you by it. Couldn't figure out why you were down here in the first place. But you were so beautiful. No one would even stay within three feet of me once they found out who I was. But you did."

Persephone smiled. She remembered how it felt for the first time seeing him. The way he circled around her, trying to intimidate her. But it didn't work. She saw right past his walls. "You were lonely. You never wanted me to leave that day, admit it."

Hades gave her a small smile. "Of course not. But when the idea of you being my queen crossed my mind, I knew it was outrageous. But not impossible." Hades pulled her into his arms. She allowed her body to rest against his. He took a breath. "I'm so sorry for us fighting. I should have seen the signs long before now. I've been working more than spending time with you. Is that what you wanted?"

Her eyes looked up to meet his. "I want my husband. I miss him. It gets lonely when you leave our bed in the middle of the night." She could see the lust in his eyes. She kissed his nose, trying to make him focus on her words. "Please promise me I get more of you. I only have you. All my family and friends are dead."

        Hades leaned down. "I promise my love, things will change. I will spend more time with you and less with the dead." He kissed her. She could feel the passion burning between them. Her arms wrapped around his neck. His hands trailed down her body. It almost felt like he could feel her body even with her clothes on. Suddenly, the ground began to shake. Hades held Persephone tight. A tree popped up through the ground. It grew a couple feet tall. Leaves started popping out on the branches. Along with a few pieces of fruit. Hades's eyes widened. He slowly made his way to the tree. He took one of the apples of the branch. He examined it in his hand. "This... it's impossible." His eyes went to hers. "Is this the real reason why you wanted me back?" She smiled. Hades took a bite. The juices ran down his cheek. He grew excited and almost jumped for joy. "They taste the same!" He raced over and lifted her up into the air. "My beautiful goddess of spring, thank you." He kissed her again. She couldn't believe how happy she made him. Isabella was right after all. She held her up end. Now it's time to return the favor. Hades sat under the tree and finished the apple. She walked over and stood in front of him. "Hades, a mortal summoned me today."

He raised his eyebrow. "Really? No one has summoned you in years. What did she want?" He took another bite.

"My help. She's dating Eurynomus." Hades froze before taking the last bite. His eyes went to hers. "This was her idea. I told her if she helped me, I would help her." Hades didn't like to get involved with the demon's affairs. Especially since he didn't really get along with the devil. He took the last bite then slowly stood up. "Were not helping mortals again. Remember the last one?" He spoke sternly.

"This one's different. Besides, her idea worked and..."

Hades cut her off. "You don't owe her anything. You're a goddess. She's a human. Tell her it didn't work. Now you owe her nothing." He started walking away. Persephone's head hung down. She really wanted to help Isabella. She saw how desperate she was. She also knew Eurynomus would never ask personally for their help. "You know I can't do that. I was hoping you'd want to help. Even just a little bit. She did help get your favorite snack back."

Hades froze by the edge of the water. He groaned then turned his head back to her. "Why do you make me feel guilty? I shouldn't, but you being upset isn't helping."

Her eyes looked up at him. "Please help her." She pleaded.

Hades ran his fingers through his hair. He really didn't want to. But he wanted to make his wife happy. "Alright. What does she need help with?"

"Azazel is trying to get her pregnant to create a demon child against God. She doesn't want to sleep with him. But he's using his powers against her." Persephone held her hands together. She was glad she never went around the demons. They fucked anything that went in there. Hades would slaughter them all if they dared to touch her. He blinked at her in confusion. "She doesn't want to sleep with a demon but already is?"

She glared at him. "She's with Eurynomus not Azazel." 

Hades thought for a moment. "We can grant immunity. It will protect her from any other demon from touching it. It would be stronger than his mark." 

       She smiled happily. "Thank you, Hades. But aren't you supposed to be leaving very soon?" 

Hades evilly smiled at her. She knew he was thinking of something devious. He lifted her up into his arms. "I'll leave tomorrow morning." He kissed her. "Tonight, I want to spend it with my queen. She told me she doesn't like to be alone at night."

Persephone blushed. "I didn't mean it like that." He started kissing her neck. They disappeared in a cloud of black smoke. Within a matter of seconds, they were back in their bedroom. He gently placed her on the bed. His finger started to undo her robe. "Of course, you didn't. I don't hear you objecting." Hades went to kiss her again. 

She placed her finger to his lips. "You mean what you say. You'll help them? No extra agreements. You give them what they need and that's that?"

Hades chuckled. "You know me too well." He pulled her hand away as he kissed her nose. "Of course. One time deal. No fees. Now, can we get back to us?" Persephone kissed him in full force. She can't remember the last time they spent the night together. A littler refresher wouldn't hurt.

Your Wish is My Command (Sequel to Under My Demon's Command)Where stories live. Discover now