Chapter 13

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Opening my eyes, I was in a familiar place. The sun was peeking through my window. Looking around, I was in my apartment. My body was covered in tons of blankets. Sitting up, I noticed that I had long sleeves and pants on. Finally, something that covered me up. Eurynomus walked into the room with a bowl of soup. He set it on the table then sat next to me. "How do you feel?" My whole body was sore. Looking at my fingers, the tips had a shade of blue to them. He grabbed my hands. "It will go away in a few days." My eyes met his. He was concerned about me. I began to cry. Eurynomus pulled me into his arms.
His lips touched my forehead. "Bella, it's okay. You're safe now."

Shaking my head, "He was so cruel to me. He only wanted to fuck me. I kept resisting, but it only made him angrier. Please forgive me Eurynomus." I began to sob.

Eurynomus pushed me away so I could see him. His face showed it all, he was pissed. But he was trying to control himself. "He used his powers and stole a potion from Sith to make you more open to be with him. What he didn't realize was that he turned you into a zombie. When Ramiel gave you more free will, it pissed Azazel off. When you rejected him, he left you there to die. Destroying anything that you could use to stay warm and turning down the air to below freezing. I thought you would have been dead by the time I found you."

I wiped my tears. "Why didn't you come back sooner?"

Eurynomus took a breath. "That's a different story. Right now, you need to rest."

"Do you hate me?" I quietly asked.

Eurynomus frowned at me. "No. I love you very much. You never went to him willingly. He forced you." His claws ran through my hair. "When I find him, I'm going to kill him. He treated you like a dog on a leash." His claws dug into the bed. He seemed to be focused on whatever his thoughts were on. My hand touched his face. "Thank you for not leaving me there."

His eyes met mine. "You're mine. I wouldn't let you go that easily." He chuckled. "You asked if I wanted to sleep with you. I really wanted to say not right now. But you probably wouldn't have come near me." I rolled my eyes. Clapping came from behind us. Sith stood there, rolling his robes up. "Let me look at her." Eurynomus stood up. Sith came over and grabbed my hands. He grabbed a needle out of his pocket. My body backed up into the headboard. Sith gave me a confused look. Eurynomus sat on the opposite side of me. "It's medicine. Let him do it so you can get better." I nodded. Sith moved my sleeve up and injected me with the medicine. He pulled away. "One more dose and she should feel like herself again. She needs to stay in bed for another day. Too much walking could keep her toes and hands blue." He strolled out of the room.

Eurynomus kissed my shoulder. "Are you hungry?" I nodded. "Eat the soup before it gets cold." I went to grab it then stopped. When was the last time I ate? His fingers grabbed my hand. "Isabel?" I made a noise. "What are you doing?"

I remembered how Azazel was trying to hand feed me while I had little to nothing on. "I um... was going to grab the soup." He raised his eyebrow at me. "Can you read my mind?"

He shook his head. "It's probably for the best. If I could, everything would probably piss me off more and more." My hands grabbed my hot bowl of soup. Soon as I took one bite, I started scarfing the whole thing down. By the last bite, I felt full for once. Eurynomus took the bowl away from me. My hands grabbed his face. His eyes focused on me. "How long was I here for?"

He pulled me into his arms. My head rested on his shoulder. "A few days. You didn't wake up until today. Sith has been dosing you up with different things. He's been stealing different medications from local hospitals to try and help you get well. I thought I would lose you for good this time. But you've been fighting." His fingers ran down my cheek. "If I ask you this now, will you be honest?" Before I could speak, he cut me off. "Or will I have to read your mind for the answer later?"

Your Wish is My Command (Sequel to Under My Demon's Command)Where stories live. Discover now