Chapter 11

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                                                                    Eurynomus's Point of View:

      Eurynomus sat in his room, quietly thinking. He was done with the games. Done with the bullshit. There wasn't anything he could do for Isabella. He didn't know where she was. But he was willing to go hunt down Azazel and torture him until he talked. Thoughts raced acrossed his mind. Normally the feelings he felt before when it came to someone taking her was just anger that someone stole his property. This time it was different. Isabella meant more to him than before. She was more than just a piece of ass he could tap whenever he desired. He grew to have feelings like a human. He loved her. She brought a light into his life that he never felt before. His hand rested up against the wall. Someone had to have seen her. Isabella had to be unconscious when Azazel brought her here. Most demons knew what she looked like. Maybe the guards might have seen...

A knock came to the door. Sith peeked his head inside. "Is this a bad time?" Eurynomus stood up and paced in front of the balcony. Sith shut the door behind him. "I'm sorry about Isabella. There's always other women. I found a beautiful blond. I believe she's packing a Double D."

     Eurynomus growled and grabbed a chair. He tossed it into the wall. It smashed into pieces. "I'm getting her back. First things first, I'm knocking father off the throne."

Sith dropped his mouth. "HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND? He can do a lot more than just ban you! You could get trapped in the sea of lost souls for eternity! Or you could..."

He snapped his head towards Sith. "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW I FEEL. Isabella makes me feel... different. She doesn't look away when I'm a demon. She sees me for who I am. Plus, I want her in every way possible. I fought for us to be together. I WILL NOT let my asshole brother take her away from me." His breath was heavy. He couldn't remember the last time he was this angry. Azazel was going to pay for causing this much grief and stress.

Sith crossed his arms. "You're not marked anymore. Azazel broke it."

Eurynomus glanced back out the balcony. He could see the different levels of hell. Souls chained from wrist to ankle. Whips cracking. None of this distracted him from the pain he was feeling. His heart felt broken. The image of Isabella kissing Azazel still crossed his mind. But when thoughts of Azazel touching her crossed his mind... it made him enraged. "She will be once I get her back. Even if I have to hog tie her to my bed, she will be mine once again." He growled and then stormed to the door.

Sith stared at him, confused. "Where are you going?"

Eurynomus looked back at him. "To challenge Father."

Sith rushed over and slammed the door shut. "He can..."

Eurynomus cut him off. "He can try. I am his son. If he doesn't want to do it willingly, it will be by force." He forced the door open and let himself out. He stormed back down the hallway. He was going to seek out the devil first. Then, Azazel was next.

                                                                     Isabella's Point of View:

     I don't know how long it's been. But at this point, I've run out of tears. Sitting in this corner, all I hoped for was a miracle. The door swung open. Azazel came in and shut it behind him. He crossed his arms. "Are you going to keep fighting me?" I didn't say anything. I could trick him to escape like last time. He outsmarted me by adding heat to the door knob. A thought came into my mind. Something that Sith told me when this started.

Always remain true to your heart, and you should be safe.

Being true to my heart may work. Eurynomus told me to do whatever it took to get away from him. Whatever that stuff was, it was forcing me to be with Azazel. What if I just gave in? Would I still be me? Or would I forget about Eurynomus? Azazel waved his hands. "Hello? Anyone home?" My eyes looked up at him. He was in a black and white vest. His muscles showed very well. He wore black pants and boots. His hands had black and white gloves on.

Your Wish is My Command (Sequel to Under My Demon's Command)Where stories live. Discover now