Chapter 2

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    Opening my eyes, the sun was peeking through the windows. Eurynomus and I laid in bed together for the rest of the night. It was hard for me to push him away, but I wanted answers. He missed being able to hold me close in his arms. To know I was still his after everything. I didn't even bother putting clothes back on. We ended up having sex again right afterwards. He was still a horny demon. Eurynomus was passed out. I slipped out of bed and headed for the shower. The steam from the water helped warm my body up. My eyes saw a hand touch the glass. Was he coming in to join me? The hand moved away. I quickly opened the glass door. Nothing was there. That was weird. Peeking my head out of the shower, he was still asleep in bed. Maybe I was imagining things? I continued to take a shower. Once I shut the water off and grabbed my towel, I opened the glass door. Eurynomus stood there silently. I jumped up. "Damn it! You scared me."

His eyes met mine. "Are you okay?" I nodded as I got out of the shower to dry off. Making my way into the bedroom, I got dressed. His hands gently touched my shoulders. "Want to start breakfast?" I nodded then headed downstairs and started grabbing a couple pans. I cracked a couple eggs and turn on the stove. My hair was pushed to the side as a pair of lips touched my neck. I smiled. Maybe he was trying to make up for the week I pushed him away. My ears picked up something on the stairs. I turned around and saw Eurynomus coming down the stairs. My eyes shot wide open. I looked around the whole kitchen. Nothing was there. He gave me a weird look as he walked into the room. "What's with the face?"

"Why did you just disappear like that?" My body was still on edge.

He slightly turned his head. "Disappear? What are you talking about?"

"You were just standing in here kissing my neck." I crossed my arms. Why was he messing with me?

His face turned serious. "Isabel, I just woke up. I smelled the eggs cooking and came downstairs."

I turned back to the eggs that were almost burning and quickly got them off the stove. "So, the conversation in the bedroom never happened either?" He turned my body back around to face him. He shook his head. "Are you sleep walking now?"

Eurynomus gave me a dirty look. "I just told you I woke up. How was I able to have a full conversation with you then come down here to kiss your neck?"

I shrugged and looked away. "Unless you have a twin brother hiding somewhere that I don't know about." His face turned white. I frowned. He picked me up and rushed into a cabinet. He grabbed a big bag of salt and dumped in a giant circle then set me down inside of it. He turned into his demon form. "COME OUT IF YOU'RE STILL HERE, COWARD!" My body backed up a bit. He turned his head towards me. "Do not leave this circle for any reason until I return!" He raced around the house. Searching every hidden corner and even under rugs. Once he went upstairs, I was a little on edge. What was kissing my neck if it wasn't him?

"Isabela, I need your help!" Eurynomus's voice shouted from the dinning room. My eyes glanced over there. A shadow stood there, hiding in the darkness. I was scared out of my mind. What could I do? If I called for him, would this thing attack me? If I remained silent, would it hurt me? My eyes looked around the kitchen for something. The pan was the only thing close to me. Glancing back at the shadow, it was still there. Looking at my feet, the pan was about out of reach. I stretched my arm out to grab it. The shadow started coming this way. My fingers managed to grab it. I tossed into the next room at the shadow. The pan hit it. It started screeching loudly. Eurynomus appeared right in front of me. The shadow stumbled into the kitchen. It changed into a demon. It had large ram horns; its face was that of a skeleton horse's head. The rest was human features, except his fingers were just long sharp nails. Its eyes glowed a light blue color. Eurynomus growled. "Azazel."

Azazel stared at him. "Brother." My mouth dropped. BROTHER! What??

Eurynomus turned back to his human form. "I'm only saying this once, get the fuck out."

Azazel turned into his human form. He had dark brown chestnut hair. His eyes were a burning green. His body was thin with muscles. He wore clothes like a steam punk. Top hat with googles on it. White button up shirt with brown vest and brown slacks. His eyes went to me. "You left hell to be with her. But it looks like you still treat her more like your whore." He smiled at me. A cane appeared in his hand. At the end of it, was a giant gear with a clock on it. "And you haven't mentioned anything about us."

Eurynomus rolled his eyes. "You guys are all dead to me."

He stabbed his cane into the kitchen floor. The room vanished as we end up in a place with dark skies. Thunder and lighting crashed all around us. My heart was racing. Azazel gave him a dirty look. "You're wasting your eternity away on some human who will eventually die. We were born with a purpose. To bring chaos into the world." Eurynomus was unphased by his brother. He stood in front of the salt circle. I walked over and grabbed his arm. His eyes looked back at me. "Stay in the circle."

Azazel chuckled. "Protect the whore." Eurynomus lunged at him. Azazel moved out of the way. Eurynomus glared at him. "I do have to say, she is a beautiful creature." His eyes met mine. I couldn't look away. His eyes were hypnotizing. Eurynomus yanked him away from me. Blinking a couple of times, I came back to reality. Eurynomus growled at him. "She's mine asshole."

Azazel rolled his eyes. "Your mark doesn't protect her from us. Brothers share." He winked. My mouth dropped. There were more? How many brothers did he have? Eurynomus disappeared in a blink of eye, then reappeared in front of his brother. He punched him in the gut. Azazel dropped to the ground, clutching his chest. "She's always safe with my mark. Especially from your grubby hands."

Azazel stood up and chuckled. "I know some things have changed about it. It may have kept her safe from father's sexual pleasures. She can break the mark herself, if she really wanted to." Lighting struck in front of the salt. It blinded us. Once I could see, the circle was broken. Eurynomus was knocked out on the ground. Azazel stood inches away from me. His hand gently touched my face. My eyes darted to Eurynomus. He wasn't moving. He couldn't die, but it didn't mean I wasn't worried about him. My face was forced to look back at Azazel. His green eyes stared into mine. I immediately shut my eyes. He got close to my ear. "I never would have just wanted sex from you. You are way too beautiful." His fingers ran down my body. I refused to react to anything. "You were comfortable with me in the kitchen. Were you not?"

Shoving him away, "I thought it was Eurynomus." My eyes beamed at him.

Azazel stared at me puzzled. "How is it you've come to terms with loving someone who just wanted sex from you for the longest time. He might not even love you."

Eurynomus was waking up. I needed to give him a bit of time to fully wake up. "I know he does. We've been through a lot together. I'm not going to give him up for you." My last sentence pissed him off. He charged over to me. Eurynomus jumped into the air, grabbed his brother by the throat and body slammed him into the ground. The world we were in vanished. We were back in the kitchen. Azazel was now in a hole in the kitchen floor. Eurynomus stood up and yanked me into his arms. His grip was very tight on me. "You better get the fuck out before I find a way to kill your ass. And you better send the message back to the others." Azazel pulled himself out of the hole. His face was covered in blood. Puffing, he chuckled. "The others aren't going to be as nice as I was. We are going to continue doing what we started. The longer you stop us, is how many more chances you'll see us." He vanished before our eyes. My head looked up at him. Eurynomus was still waiting for something else to happen. After a few minutes, I pushed him away. His eyes looked confused. "Eurynomus, you better tell me everything about your family right fucking now or I'm leaving."

Your Wish is My Command (Sequel to Under My Demon's Command)Where stories live. Discover now