Chapter 6

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Eurynomus had been gone for a really long time. It felt like at least four hours. My body was resting on the bed, just staring out at the balcony. I couldn't wrap my head around why Eurynomus didn't want to ask for Hades help. My mind started to think. Maybe Persephone could help me ease Hades to be more willing. If I could find her, that was. It wasnt a hundred percent guarantee that I could fund her within three days. But just sitting around here was wasting even more valuable time that we had. I was more determined than ever to find her and Hades. Even if it was against Eurynomus's wishes. Walking over to the door, I tried to open it. Locked. Eurynomus either wanted to make sure I couldn't leave or to keep everyone else out. I walked over to the balcony, my eyes noticed a piece of glass was moved. Moving it out of the way, it was big enough for me to crawl through. Glancing behind me, I was still alone. I crawled through to the other side.

Soon as I stood up, my head hit a rock. Dropping to my knees, my hands rubbed my head. How did I manage to....

Looking around, I was in a rock tunnel. How the fuck did I get here? Voices came through loud and clear. "Enough of the games Azazel, we need her soon." I crawled over to the large opening at the end. My whole body was nervous. Looking down, there was a table with a green cloth over it. Azazel, Merihem, Ramiel and Pythius were sitting round it. There were 4 glasses of wine sitting in front of them. Along with some cards and poker chips. I placed my hand down on the edge and it slipped. I immediately caught myself. Pinning my body from side to side, I was still able to have a clear view of them.

Azazel smirked. "She will be ours in three days. Father promised Eurynomus would give her up." He downed his drink proudly.

Merihem ran his fingers down his chest. "Are you sure I can't help to get her pregnant?"

Ramiel rolled his eyes. "You'll be lusting over her for weeks. Father wants the job done soon." His eyes went to Azazel. "Do we have to wait three days? I'd rather get her pregnant now so when Hades arrives, he would be pleased with our progress."

My breath was slow and steady. But my hands were shaking. I wanted to be a thousand yards away from them. Azazel smirked. "Of course, dear brother. Don't fret, I have a plan that is full proof and sure to work."

Pythius had a plate of food in front of him. He wasn't chewing anything. He just kept swallow. He stopped and looked at them. "Eurynomus isn't going to let her be alone you know. He always has his guard up."

Azazel nodded and pointed his finger. "True. But I have a bigger distraction for him."

Merihem pounded his fist on the table. "I could always charm her for you." His eyes started to glow.

Azazel laughed. "Do you think my powers are weak brother?" Merihem was silent. His eyes stopped glowing. "Sith thinks his potion works against me. It's still weak enough for me to get to her. She'll cave and let me in."

Ramiel grabbed his mirror and glanced into it. "Once we get the child, what becomes of her? Original plan was to kill her."

Azazel smirked. "She's going to stay with me. I will not allow Father to force me to return her."

Pythius wiped his mouth on his arm. Then belched loudly. "So, you and Eurynomus will have an endless war going on?"

Merihem smiled. "No. Eurynomus will think she's dead. Then maybe you'll let me have a little fun with her then."

Azazel held up his wine glass. "We shall see brother." He raised it higher. "Let's toast to the future of our success." They held up their glasses and toasted each other before chugging it down. The drink ran down the side of their faces. It wasn't wine, it was blood. Pythius licked his lips. "Baby's blood. It's so sweet. I didn't realize how special the occasion was." My stomach felt sick from hearing those words. I needed to get out of here. A hand suddenly covered my mouth. I didn't scream. My head turned to see who it was. Eurynomus pressed his finger to his lips. His eyes darted down towards his brothers. They were just chatting and laughing. He pulled me into his arms. The moment we started crawling out, a bright light blinded us. I crawled out from underneath Eurynomus's bed. He was leaning against the wall, arms crossed. His face was stern. "You didn't learn from the first time you left my room?" He questioned.

Your Wish is My Command (Sequel to Under My Demon's Command)Where stories live. Discover now