TWO. hook up

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It had been months since Simon had first met Maddie, and he hadn't been able to stop thinking about her

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It had been months since Simon had first met Maddie, and he hadn't been able to stop thinking about her. It didn't help that every few weeks she would show up at the same party as them, and it would be rude not to talk to her. Of course, talking never stayed talking, Maddie sneaking out of Simon's house usually twice a month.

They weren't dating, no she basically refused to make eye contact with him at school, but he also hadn't seen her with any other guys. Not that he was watching her, no he just happened to cross paths with her at school. Maddie pretty much just hung out by herself, or occasionally this blonde cheerleader who had a reputation for being the most annoying person ever. Simon was unsure of how Maddie was coping with her when she got annoyed at him so easily.

But that didn't deter him. Every time she dragged him away from his friends at a party he always went willingly, not even wanting to complain. Of course, Deena and Sam were usually off somewhere definitely not making out, and Kate, as much as she loved parties, barely had time for them.

In the four months it had been since Maddie had moved, Simon's feelings grew for her every day. It wasn't love, no he didn't even know her that well, but the parts he did know were amazing. She was playing hard to get with him, he wasn't overconfident, but Simon knew there was a chance that she liked him back.

"I'm not interested,"

Ok, maybe not.

Simon had his head buried in his locker, completely ignoring everything Sam and Kate were saying and trying his best to act like he wasn't spying on a girl he barely knew.

It was a football player, Max or Matt or something, standing in front of Maddie's locker. "You seem great, Mack, I just don't want a relationship with anyone right now."

Mack grumbled something Simon couldn't hear and walked off in the opposite direction. Maddie let her head fall against the door of her locker, scowling to herself. She didn't have time for this, she had to finish cleaning out her locker before she was late to cheer practice. She shoved the box in her bag and started walking down the hall towards Simon, who all but decapitated himself with the force he shoved his face in his locker.

"Hey, Maddie," Kate spoke up, stopping the taller girl in her tracks. "Coach wanted me to let you know he's out sick, so last practice is cancelled,"

Simon's heart almost stopped. He'd completely forgotten that Sam, Kate, and Maddie were on the cheerleading squad together. Like he knew all of them were cheerleaders, but it had never occurred to him that they would know each other.

"Okay, thanks for letting me know," Maddie said, glancing at Simon. "I'll see you later then,"

"Tobey and Artie are throwing a party tonight since it's the last day, juniors and seniors only," Kate grinned. "You in?"

Maddie took a final look at Simon for only a moment before nodding. "Sure,"

Once she'd walked away, Simon emerged from his locker, meeting the judgemental gazes of his two friends. "What the fuck were you doing?"

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