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She always slept better with him beside her

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She always slept better with him beside her.

She'd never tell him, but feeling him curled up beside her brought her an intense amount of comfort. She would always wake up first, her body clock still set on her little brother's time, but before she would hurry out of his window, she would lay there and watch him for a while. He was so much different asleep than he was awake. Awake Simon was always cheerful, always joking. She'd never seen him without a grin other than when she spent the night with him.

Those were her favorite mornings. He rarely stayed with her, but when he did she would still wake up before him. But instead of the comfort of being able to admire his sleeping form for as long as she wanted, she felt suffocated, knowing at any moment a member of her family could walk in. But at his house, she could take her time.

He really was very pretty.

He stirred a little, and Maddie knew her time was up. Simon opened his eyes sleepily, gaze locking onto her.

He loved those few times that he woke up beside her. She was normally already out of bed, so seeing her gazing tiredly at him made his smile widen. Her hair was a mess, and she hadn't washed her face from the night before. He leaned forward and kissed her nose. A smile spread onto her mouth, and he had to resist the urge to run his thumb under her bottom lip.

He squeezed her a little bit closer, risking her pushing him away altogether, but instead she just sighed happily. She was cold, despite spending the night wrapped in his embrace, his warm hands stroking her back as she closed her eyes.

She really was very pretty.

That moment of pure silence lasted for approximately three minutes after he woke up, Maddie catching sight of the time. "Shit. I need to go,"

Simon felt his heart drop. Of course, just because she spent an extra few minutes in bed with him didn't mean that she liked him. What was he expecting? That she would kiss him for the first time and tell him she felt the same way, and he could go downstairs and make her breakfast and introduce her to his siblings? No, Maddie viewed him the way she thought he viewed her. Purely as someone to spend the night with, to warm her bed with, to get what she needed from and then leave.

He didn't say that, though. He just nodded as he watched her get up, rolling onto his back to watch as she grabbed her clothes. Her top was thin, and she gave a barely noticeable shiver, causing Simon to spring up, grabbing a dark blue pullover. "Take this,"

She took it without hesitation this time, shoving her hands in the pocket before bringing them out, a wad of cash in her hand. "You might wanna grab this,"

Simon shrugged. "Chuck it in your escape fund, it's only like three bucks,"

She pocketed it once again. "I see how this is," she readjusted the hoodie over her frame. Simon and Maddie were the same height, but the fact that he had bought that hoodie just to give to her made it slightly bigger on her. "You're paying me to sleep with you,"

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