SIXTEEN. normal bitches

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"It doesn't make sense," they were back at Deena's house, Simon drawing the curtains and locking the doors while the rest of them stood in the living room

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"It doesn't make sense," they were back at Deena's house, Simon drawing the curtains and locking the doors while the rest of them stood in the living room. "It's... it's not possible," Maddie had ditched Simon's hoodie, the shoulder getting soaked through with blood, along with her uniform. "Bullets didn't stop her,"

"Amazing observation," Kate rolled her eyes.

"Who the hell was that?" Deena turned to Maddie.

Maddie winced, her head still spinning. Simon saw her flinch, and responded. "How the hell should I know? She- I don't- She was hot! I don't know! The bitch seemed normal!" He felt bad, calling another girl hot in front of Maddie, but she was hot, and Maddie didn't seem to care, focused on the stitching of her chair.

"I hate to break it to you," Deena snapped. "But normal bitches don't bleed black fucking blood!

"Well, she was hot and normal until she attacked me with a fucking razor blade!" Simon said. He still had the girl's blood on his face, much darker than normal blood.

"Wait," Josh spoke up. "What... A razor?"

"Yeah," Simon stood behind Maddie, his hands on her chair, only inches away from touching her, trying to comfort her. "For, like, old-timey shaving, or in this case, I guess slitting her-"

"Wrists," Josh interrupted. "She slashed her wrists," Everyone turned to look at Josh, who seemed like he was onto something. "Was she singing a song, like an oldie... like an oldie song?"

"Jesus, Rain Man," Simon shook his head. "How the fuck did you know that?"

Down in the basement of the Johnson house was where Josh spent most of his time. There was a computer, a stereo, a game console and an entire wall filled with information on the past Shadyside killers. Maddie guessed Deena wasn't kidding when she said her brother was a nerd. He ripped an article down and slapped it on the table they were crowded around.

Teenager Fillets Friends.

"This is Ruby Lane," he explained. "The girl who attacked you,"

"Holy shit," Simon let out a breath.

"She sang as she murdered her boyfriend, her friends, then she killed herself. She slashed her wrists,"

"Jesus," Kate gulped. "Why didn't I see this on the news?"

"Because it happened thirty years ago," Maddie noticed, seeing the date on the newspaper. "In 1965,"

"Exactly," Josh nodded. He got up again and started ripping papers down from the wall, bringing them over to the table. "Ruby is one of Shadyside's killers, just like Skull Mask. I mean, Ryan Torres," he put down an article from that morning's Shadyside Herald. Maddie froze as she saw the headline, Ryan's picture under it. She knew it was him, but she didn't want to believe it.

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