TWENTY. inferno

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The stall doors burst open, revealing nothing but the gross school toilets

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The stall doors burst open, revealing nothing but the gross school toilets. First Ruby, then Ryan, before finally, Danny kicked the door down and swung the axe.

Blood caked blonde hair as the sweater Sam was wearing ripped, the body slumping against the wall. There was a sickening thud as it hit the floor, and, before any of them realised, Sam Fraser was crawling through the vent, leaving the CPR dummy on the floor of the stall. 

She jumped down in the hallway outside, Simon pulling as hard as he could on the door to keep the killers inside. "Go, go, go, go, go!"

Kate tied the rope through the handle as the rest of them dumped the remaining chemicals outside the bathroom door. This would be hard to explain once they went back to school on Monday, but it was all worth it for what they were about to do.

The killers were all banging on the door, and the force of Danny's axe was shaking the dark blue wood. That wasn't a concern for long, though, after Deena flicked her lighter on, setting the entire room, and the killers inside, ablaze.

They'd done it. 

Simon held a fire extinguisher in one hand, Maddie's firmly in his other hand. Every few seconds they would squeeze, the only way they knew the other was okay. They were all a safe distance away from the fire, but they were close enough to hear the desperate screams of those inside the bathroom.

Once the bathroom had been safely extinguished with all the red bottles they could find, the six of them stood in the middle of the room, charred, awful-smelling, but most importantly, free of murderers. "Come back from that motherfuckers!" Simon spat, giving a triumphant chuckle.

But as Simon pulled Maddie into his arms, and Deena, Sam and Kate shared celebratory high fives, only Josh noticed the puddles of black tar that were slowly shifting across the floor. "Guys?" The goop began to form into a pile, before suddenly, a hand had formed, reaching out to grab Josh.

Before it could, he was yanked away by Kate, as they sprinted down the hallway, a deep grumbling coming from inside the bathroom as the blobs of inky blackness began reforming into a disturbingly human-like shape. 

They didn't stop running until they'd barricaded themselves inside a classroom, dragging the desk over to cover the door as Simon locked it. "Help me!" Deena grunted, trying to push the desk. "Come on, they're coming!"

"They're gonna keep coming!" Kate snapped.

"We're fucked," Simon yelled, running a hand through his hair in frustration, and losing his grip on Maddie, who backed up against the wall of the room.

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