FIFTEEN. the one you love

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Across the street from a police station was probably not the best place to park their stolen ambulance, and Simon made sure everyone knew that

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Across the street from a police station was probably not the best place to park their stolen ambulance, and Simon made sure everyone knew that. "We're hiding in plain sight," Kate argued.

The back doors were open, with Deena and Sam inside talking to the cops about what happened at the hospital. Josh, Kate and Simon were standing out the back of the ambulance, and Maddie felt like she was going to throw up, so she had gone a few meters away, Simon glancing worriedly at her every few minutes. "Just like Bundy," Josh agreed. He got blank looks back. "Ted Bundy, when he was stalking his victims, I mean,"

"Okay, didn't he get caught though?" Kate asked, Simon shaking his head at the two of them. It was obvious that Josh had a thing for Kate, but he knew that she would never go for someone like Josh.

"Well, no. Well, yeah, but-"

"Figure this out," Simon gestured between the two of them. "I'm gonna go take a leak,"

That wasn't really why he left, he did have to pee, but he wanted to keep an eye on Maddie, not wanting to admit that to either of them. What he had with Maddie was theirs. And yeah, Kate knew Simon liked her, and she didn't like him back, but that was all. She didn't know how the urge to wrap her in his arms and make all of her problems disappear was taking over his life. How she was the first thing he saw when he woke up, and that he couldn't sleep if he couldn't feel her presence in his room, and how he hated himself for it, but mostly he hated her. He'd given her his heart, and didn't expect anything in return, but she hadn't even kept it. She'd tried to give it back, used. Broken.

It was enough to make anyone go insane, but all the feelings got washed away as he heard Maddie throwing up, him coming over and pulling her hair back gently. The hair that he'd tangled his fingers in plenty of times, the hair that he'd braided before, the hair that had gotten in his mouth while sleeping, waking up and spluttering, coughing it out, which woke Maddie up, which had them both laughing, trying to keep quiet. He knelt, rubbing her back as she coughed, muttering soothing words into the ear beside his mouth. She finished retching and turned around, back against the brick wall, and eyes shut against the universe. "Stay here. One second, okay?" he whispered, kissing her on the head purely out of instinct. 

He stilled, waiting for her to get weird again, but she just nodded, hands in the pocket of yet another stolen hoodie. Simon looked back at her, before going across the street to pee. Maddie sunk down, head between her knees. The pain medication was starting to wear off, but she felt a lot less dizzy than she had been. She didn't feel like she was going to pass out again, at least this time not from her injuries. 

She hadn't processed what had gone down at the hospital. Beddy was dead. Maddie knew if she looked down there would be her blood on her sneakers. She was still in her blue cheer uniform, Simon's hoodie over the top. She'd never be able to wear it again. 

She wanted to go home. She wanted to crawl into her older brother's bed like she did when she was little. She wanted her mom to be sober and her dad to be there, and for them to take her in their arms one by one and hug her, assuring her that they would never let anything happen to her. She looked up, trying to see if Simon was coming back yet, but she didn't see him. She missed Simon, and she knew it was selfish, she'd hurt him, and while she hadn't wanted to, she'd done it on purpose. She didn't deserve Simon, but he was letting her have him anyway. She could have died less than an hour ago, and she didn't because of Simon.

She needed him. But more than that, she needed to prove herself to him. She needed to be worthy of him. Maddie needed to protect Simon like he'd protected her. She looked around. He'd been gone a while. She could see the ambulance off in the distance, but she couldn't make out Simon. 

Maddie stood, only wobbling slightly, and started walking in the direction he'd gone. Her footsteps echoed along the street and she strained her ears for any noise other than the gentle rustle of the leaves, or the sound of distant cars. There was a voice, not Simon's, this one was more feminine. She was singing, sweet and slow, a song Maddie didn't recognise.

"You always hurt the one you love,"

She looked up, and saw Simon standing next to a girl, kneeling just like Maddie had been moments earlier. She breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of her, but her eyes narrowed. Who was she?

Ugh, she was being utterly ridiculous. Simon had the right to do whatver - or whoever - he wanted. He knelt beside her, not as close as he had with her (not that it mattered), but out of nowhere, Simon yelled out in pain, clutching his leg. 

Before she reas ready, Maddie was running towards them. Simon was bleeding, scrambling away from the girl. She had a razor blade in her hand, and she quickly overpowered him, climbing on top of him in the middle of the street.

Maddie didn't think, not knowing what to do anyway, instead tugging the girl by the hair, so hard she fell off Simon. She ran to him, ready to help him up, until the girl got up, lunging at the two of them again. Maddie got caught on the shoulder, crying out as Simon struggled against her once more. The razor was inches away from his throat, and Maddie was trying to get her off, but this time she was prepared, and she was stronger than the two of them together. She became desperate, hitting the girl as hard as she could with whatever parts of her would reach, Simon trying to keep the blade away from his skin. Simon shoved her away, the blade catching him on the side of his neck, and his hand wrapped around her throat.

She wrestled out of his grip and raised the weapon, ready to strike. Maddie clawed at her, this girl was stronger than them both, she didn't have much of a chance. She needed to fight, even if it was just so Simon could get out. There were two bangs, and the girl collapsed, blood spraying out of her torso. Maddie and Simon looked at each other, making eye contact for a split second, before looking forward. Deena stood there, Kate and Sam right behind her, gun raised and smoking. "Guys, come on!"

Simon grabbed her hand and the two of them took off running, leaving the girl bleeding in the street, two gun shot wounds in her chest. Kate went after them, Deena grabbing ahold of Sam, all four of them trying to get to the ambulance as fast as they could. None of them saw the girl get up, none of them saw her smile, none of them saw the bullet hole in her face close, and none of them heard her sweet voice as she stood.

"You always hurt the one you love,"

────────── ⋆˚✿˖° author's note
rip ruby lane you deserved better 😔✊ honestly ruby is the only killer who i would be interested in seeing a spinoff about but also i feel like her Murder Story is also the least interesting, but she's hot so idc 🤩

i'm in desperate need for someone to edit the "where the hell is simon?" scene to have clown music over the part where he's being attacked. no real reason i just think that'd be really funny. 


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