THIRTY SIX. danny fucking matthews

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They bolted immediately, Danny turning around and looking at them with dead eyes

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They bolted immediately, Danny turning around and looking at them with dead eyes. None of them had time to think about anything other than escape and the way the blood dripped down Arnie's face as Danny yanked the axe out of his face.

They went back into the smaller room since Danny was blocking the door and Cindy pointed to the bookshelf. "Help me!"

The other two girls both grabbed the other end and they tipped it over. Cindy looked up and saw Danny come in through the door, screaming.

Evie pulled her through the hole in the cave wall hidden by the bookshelf. They had to get on their stomachs and crawl the tunnel was that narrow. Evie hauled herself across the rocks not daring to look back and check that Cindy was behind her.

Alice kicked her in the face and Evie buried her face in the dirt, she could feel it bruising already. "Go!" Cindy urged.

Cindy called out again and Evie realised she wasn't screaming "Go" she had been yelling "No!"

Evie whipped around as best as she could and clobbered Danny with the flashlight in her hand. Cindy screamed trying to loosen his grip on her leg. She flipped over and kicked him as hard as he could in the chest. Danny's head collided with the rock on the roof of the tunnel and The two girls used that as their opportunity to get away, Alice grabbing them desperately.

When Danny hit the side of the tunnel, it had shaken a few rocks loose and Evie could hear rumbling above her head. They reached the next 'room' and Alice hauled them both to their feet just in time for the passage to completely collapse in on itself.

The rocks hadn't even finished falling before Cindy started sobbing into her hands. Evie sat on a rock, shaking so bad she couldn't tell which way gravity was pointing her.

Alice looked up. "Do you hear that?"

Evie had thought it was just all their breathing combined, but the heavy breathing wasn't coming from inside their cave.

Cindy's voice caught in her throat. "He's still alive?"

Alice eyed the caved-in passage. "He can't... He can't get us. He can't get us."

Evie's brain wasn't working enough to form a coherent sentence. "He... Danny..."

Maybe she had taken some of whatever Alice and Arnie took. Maybe it wasn't Tylenol. They were trapped in some weird group hallucination and somehow they'd roped Cindy in as well.

Arnie's skull had collapsed in on itself, just the way that their tunnel had.

Alice was right, Danny couldn't reach them. The breathing faded and Evie felt guilty for hoping it was because he had stopped. That was Danny! Her friend. Sure, they weren't best friends, but they were at least good friends.

Cindy and Danny had a relationship, probably. They were always huddled together, whispering and smiling. Cindy didn't look at Danny the way she looked at Evie.

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