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The map was fairly easy to follow once they realised what it was

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The map was fairly easy to follow once they realised what it was. Cindy was still getting frustrated with their lack of progress. "It's taking too long. He could be back at camp already."

 Evie didn't want to do this anymore. Maybe if she just sat down and curled up in a ball the whole thing would go away. She was tired, her arm hurt, a scrape from the side of the rock wall going from her elbow to her wrist, and she had a headache. She didn't want to deal with any of them anymore, least of all her murderous friend. 

Alice whirled around, looking Cindy in the eye severely. "If you have to kill him... could you?"

Cindy faltered. "Earlier, when Mary attacked, I just... I froze. I couldn't do anything. So, no, I... I couldn't kill anyone, much less Danny."

Evie hadn't done anything either. It had all been over so quickly that she hadn't known what to do. She didn't want to be here, she just wanted everything to fucking stop.

Alice scowled. "Well, good news. I would happily kill him."

Evie didn't want to deal with this bullshit anymore. She didn't need Alice being hostile for no reason, not when they were about to die. 

Cindy looked upset. "God, even now, after everything, you're... you're still a jerk."

Alice seemed to realise that maybe she'd gone a little too far with that comment. "Okay, I'm sorry. I just... I never got what you saw in him. And that was before the witch possessed him."

Evie really liked Danny. Well, she had. He was kind and he was good to Cindy, and he'd always made an effort with Evie. It wasn't like he was dating Cindy and ignoring all her friends. Before this whole thing, she'd never had any sort of issues with him. 

Then, of course, he'd killed somebody right in front of her. 

Cindy huffed, turning back towards Alice as they continued walking down the path. "Danny..." she struggled to find the words. "Danny was nice. Okay, and we weren't dating. He made me feel like everything was going to be okay. He was my friend. I loved him."

Alice sighed. "I loved Arnie too. I loved that gross, high little shit."

"Boys are gross," Evie agreed. The other two girls looked at her like maybe that wasn't meant to be the takeaway of that sentence. She had never understood dating, if she was honest. The idea of always having a boy there? Like, sure, she enjoyed kissing and she'd hooked up with a few people and had liked that, but the idea of having a boyfriend always kind of grossed her out. Cindy told her that her standards were too high, that she was too picky, but Evie had just frowned her off. 

The tunnel rumbled under their feet. 

"Do you hear that?"

Cindy held open the journal. "There's this space up ahead." She pointed at the circle in the middle of the diagram. "All roads lead here."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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