The Day Haji Became Scared of Himself

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Everyone Stared at Haji with either a worried look or a glare full of anger. The Hokage shouted at him forbidden the justus he uses, slamming his fist on his desk trying to catch Haji's attention, but he looked spaced out and in agony. "Haji! Are you even listening?! Haji!"

"Haji, listen to the Hokage!" Kakashi shouted as well snapping his fingers in front of Haji's eyes, they didn't focus just held a pained look as clenched his chest. 

Gai walked over seeing this and placed his hands on his shoulders shaking him slightly, "Haji, snap out of it," he shook, " Something's wrong with, he'd never act like this."

All of a sudden his hand that clenched his chest glowed green, "What's he doing?" Zabuza stepped forward but was stopped by an Anbu's arm, he glared at the Anbu.

"He's performing Medical ninjustu on himself," Haku was walking toward Haji but like Zabuza was stopped by an Anbu. "Let me see him." Haku barked.

A whimper came from Haji, "Something's wrong," his breathing became sharp, and short huffs of shallow air, "Stop.. stop shouting," he whimpered once more, blood drained down his lips.


He began to look around frantically, "Fire...." he looked down on the floor at his blood and hands, "Blood...blood...BLOOD There's to much blood!" He shouted slumping over slightly, holding his head coughing up more blood. Kakashi and Gai wrapped their arms around Haji to try and hold him down so the medical Anbu can look at him.

"Haji calm down!" Gai told him.

Haji's eyes looked different, full of anger and hatred as he looked over at the Hokage and Ibiki. He reached his arm out to the Hokage screaming, "Grandfather," than looking at Ibiki "Don't you touch him!" Ibiki flinched. Haji, with little struggle got out of Kakashi and Gai's hold kicking them in the process, performing hand signs at a high speed, faster than the Anbu could, "Forbidden Act: Gisei Chimamire no Baioretto Me Chen!" Small chains shot out of his blood that smeared on the floor and wrapped themselves around his face and arms, creating a mask and gloves. His left eye changed to a dark void of black with a violet iris.

He suddenly charged at Ibiki, punching him in his stomach so hard that he went through the wall passed several buildings and into the training grounds, miles away from the Hokages building. Ibiki coughed up blood, holding his chest as he stood up on wobbly feet. Ibiki looked over at the sound of a soft thump just to be punched in the face by an iron fist, literally. He slammed into a tree splitting it.

There was a sudden yelp, he looked over to see the genin teams watching. They had been told to meet up at the training grounds and wait for their sensais, minus team seven who where merely there to train on there own. Sasuke to actually train, Naruto to out do Sasuke, and Sakura to make go go eyes at Sasuke, they all stared at Ibiki confused and fearful.

Ibiki looked around not seeing Haji in sight, until he looked straight ahead to see him in the shadows of the trees, holding his head. "Are- are you alright sir?" Sakura stuttered, stepping closer.

He swung his arm out to shoo them away, "Stay back! You all need to get out of here now!" There was a growl, they looked over to the sound. Not really knowing it was Haji.

All the Anbu's, sensais, Haku, Zabuza and the Hokage finally had got there, the four sensais standing in front of there teams pushing them back. "Stay back!" The Hokage stated.

"What's going on?"

Kakashi stared wide eyed at Haji, "What's going on Kakashi sensai!" Naruto huffed, he saw Haku and Zabuza, "Hey! Did they let you guys stay? That's great!" He chuckled.

"Now is not the time Naruto," Haku said sternly only looking at Haji as Haji held and shook his head mumbling words none of them could make out.

Akumaru Whimpered and hide in Kiba's jacket, "What's wrong boy?"

"Medic, take Ibiki and the genin and get out of here," the Hokage ordered.

"I'm not leaving until I know what's going on!" Naruto pouted and sat on the ground crossing his arms.

"Naruto, It is not the time or place for you to complain, it's to dangerous for any of you to b-" The hokage was cut off by a loud growl.

"Murders....." Haji was slumped over, his arms limp.

"Haji..." Kurenai whispered worried.

"That's Haji?!" Kiba shouting, hearing his sensai's whispers. All the genin stiffened.

"Wh-what? That's not Haji, he was out cold earlier. Right Sensai?" Sakura suggested looking at Kakashi, but he stood stock till, wide eyes filled with worry and fear. Sakura gasped and looked shakily back at Haji.

"Haji, you must calm down. It's going to be okay," The Hokage compromised.

"You....You are all.." Haji's body slowly rose his hair covering his eyes, "You are all MURDERS!" His eyes were now visible, Haji right eye was now all black no violet like the left one. His body lunged forward his right gloved arm turning into claws with black flames covering them (like the Amaterasu flames) as he went to attack whoever stood in his way.

Out of no where, his eye color twitched back to normal for a split second, instead of attack one of them he hit the ground, making a crater large enough that they all had jump up, they landed within the hole. Haji held his face, cutting it slightly as he squeezed his eyes trying to go back to normal.

"Everyone is a murder, they should all just DIE," he slammed his fist into the ground again making a smaller crater within the giant crater. His eyes kept twitching back and forth from normal to black as he whimpered in pain.

"What happened to him?" Sasuke asked mainly himself.

Tears welled up in Haji's right eye as it turned back to normal, blood streamed down his left eye that remained black and violet but was slowly fading.

"He's trying to fight it," Asuma watched amazed yet frightened.

"Come on Haji..." Shikamaru whispered, gritting his teeth.

Suddenly everyone could hear Haji's voice as if it were his thoughts, Shut up, worthless, murder, they'll hate you now, you monster. The mask and gloves fell in a waterfall of blood showing Haji's face and arms once again, the sleeves of his Jacket burned. Haji's head was tilted to the side, he stood on his feet, his eyes held sadness and pain as he stared at nothing. Tears and blood still fell from his eyes and blood dripped from his mouth. Screaming faces and demonic outlines of people of such, as if there were other people within Haji trying to escape. They shouted 'monster', 'killer', 'coward'. They repeated coward and murderer more than anything.

Finally, Haji's suffering ended for a moment as both of his eyes were back to normal. He could now see everyone clearly, there was blood and destruction, he looked at everyone's expression. Instantly he became scared himself, they were all held with fear.

"Gome-gomensai..." he apologized, falling to the ground with salty and bloody tears as his eyes closed.

Sketch on the side was a quick drawing that describes the Paragraph above that starts out as "Suddenly everyone could hear....".

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