The Time I Became Queen, Upcoming

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For the next few updates will be character pictures of some upcoming people and their backgrounds and relationships.

Pictures will be on the side.

First up Mi-Kimi Hoshi and Batya Hayashi.

Mi-kimi is the daughter of king Hiroko and the mother of Sayuri. She became pregnant with Sayuri at the age of 15 and gave birth at 16. Died during the birthing. Previously, she was queen of the Hideyoshi kingdom for a short period of time. Her best friend was Batya. Mi-kimi was a sweet and stubborn child.

Batya was an orphan since birth, her parents throwing her away like trash. She was born in the kingdom but traveled as a gypsy for years, until she met a young girl, the princess, Mi-kimi. Batya was 15 and Mi-kimi was 9, the princess instantly became friends with the gypsy and allowed her to stay in the castle. Once Mi-kimi gave birth and died Batya, without hesitation, vowed to take care of her deceased friends child. Batya was the maid of Sayuri up until she was four when the Kingdom fell. The maid went to save Sayuri that night, rushing to her room, but once there the girl was gone. She thought the princess had already been taken and fought in rage and sadness, killing as many of the enemy as she could. She had stopped when she heard her mistresses voice and the light, than everything was invisible, the battle over. She still misses the girl and awaits her return.

The Time I became Queen (Naruto Fanfiction/ Kakashi's Daughter) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now