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With a smile, Lia looked up at the heavily tattooed man and slowly took the  part. "Are you sure?" She asks, "What if I screw it up?" With a second glance, he just nodded. Lia slowly stepped towards the open hood of the car and slid the part into place. She looked over at the man, inquisitively, who took the hint and pointed to where she needed to hook up the part.

Lia looked back underneath the hood and huffed, "I don't get it." She said and set the part down as she stepped away from her car. "How am I supposed to get it in there?"

"Like this." The man responded and grabbed the wire, slipping it underneath the other three and inserting it where it needed to go. Once he managed, he crossed the other half of the wire over the others and hooked it up.

"Oh," She nodded simply and looked over at him. "I'm dumb," She giggled and shook her head. "Can you tell I know nothing about cars?"

"I could tell by the way you walked in here, girl." Happy responded with a very slight chuckle. A tiny smirk appeared on his face and his eyes bored into Lia's.

Lia blushed and glanced up at him, nervously twirling as he stepped close to her. The back of her legs hit the car and she sat as the man studied her face and took it into his hands, then leaned down and pressed an unexpected kiss to her lips. 

Lia's eyes widen, before she melted into his touch; her body knowing his, but her brain did not. 

His hands found their way to the back of her neck and hers to his neck. As she closed her eyes and relaxed into the kiss, she pulled him in closer.

Once they parted, she blushed and he grinned sheepishly before looking away. He stepped back and grabbed the next part, waiting for her to hop off of the car to continue working on the car, without a word.


As she started the newly fixed car, she sighed and looked at her phone. She then set it in the cup holder and pulled off, watching in the rear view mirror as the man cleaned up the shop before closing the garage doors.

Something about him felt familiar and she was going to find out what. She knew him from somewhere, she was sure of it, but she couldn't recall where from.

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