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With a heavy and shaky breath, Lia stepped out from behind her car. She adjusted the straps of her bikini, then double checked that she looked cute. She pulled on the shirt cover up and tied it with a knot at the end, locking her car as she stepped onto the beach and towards the familiar man who stood a few feet away.

Looking as good as ever, Luke's eyes met hers and she slightly blushed, looking down as she continued to walk towards him.

"Hey chica." Luke said ever so casually, opening his arms for a hug from the shorter woman.

Lia crashed into his chest and wrapped her arms tightly around him, trying to hold back the heavy emotions she was feeling.

"How've you been?" He tried to make small talk as he pulled away.

"I've been doing." Lia spoke quietly and looked up at him as the strolled closer to the water. "Listen, I just wanna say that I'm sorry." She cleared her throat.

"For what?" Luke asked, raising his eyebrows.

As he reached his towel, he sat down and watched as Lia set hers out, plopping down next to him.

"For what happened, I take full responsibility." Lia cleared her throat and stared out into the water.

"Oh, it's fine." Luke chuckled. "I've moved on."

Lia felt like she was hit in the stomach. "Oh," she spoke out and lifted her head, looking over at her former best friend and nearly boyfriend. "That's, uh, good for you." She nodded and swallowed heavily, trying to hide any trace of emotion.

"You're not mad?" Luke asked.

"No, but on that note... I gotta go." She cleared her throat, "Work calls." She made up a quick excuse and stood up, immediately grabbing her towel and rushing back towards her car before he could stop her. She quickly unlocked it and got in, resting her head on the steering wheel.

When she looked back up, she started her car and checked her rear view mirror to see three black motorcycles packed a little distance away. She noticed the man from the mechanic shop and she got out of her car, walking towards him.

"What the hell? Are you stalking me?" She accused, stating at the tan tall man, who had a joint in between his fingers and a tooth pick in between his lips.

The blonde man spoke first. "What? We can't come to the beach?" His blue eyes had a touch of mischief in them. "We enjoy simple things too."

"Yeah, I'm sure you guys came to the beach in fucking jeans and leather jackets. Boots too." She shot back, glaring at the three of them.

"Calm down, darlin'." The man with dark chocolate brown hair spoke. "We have rights too, you know."

"This is ridiculous." Lia snapped, "Leave me the hell alone." She turned to walk away, before her arm was grabbed and she was pulled buck. She stumbled but she was kept upright and she smacked the hand of the blonde off of her, glaring up at him. "Don't fucking touch me."

"Lia." He finally spoke. "You mean to tell me you don't remember us?"

Lia's demeanor changed and she looked over at the tan man with a tattooed head, her eyes softening for a moment.

"I've met a lot of people... maybe- I don't know. But I was told to stay away from all of you." Her eyes got hard again and she stepped back.

As Lia walked away, she threw her hair up in a high ponytail, leaving two of the three men gazing at the tattoo on the back of her neck.

"Happy.." the blonde spoke, his eyes glued to the smiley face on the back of her neck.

"I know." Happy spoke gruffly, his eyes following her until she got into her car.

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