part twenty three

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" Maeve? Are you awake? Can I come in?" She was awoken the following money by Judes voice at her door again. Luckily, she was in a position to allow the boy into her room today, unlike earlier in the week.
"Mm hmm," she responded, rubbing her eyes and taking a deep breath as the boy entered her room. It felt weird for her to wake up alone, but Mason had gone to the gym with Ben and Declan and so had left her bed around an hour ago. It became somewhat common knowledge that they practically shared a room now. Innocently, that morning excluded, but they simply enjoyed cuddling up to each other, having deep chats into the early hours, tickle fights and pillow fights whenever one of them says something somewhat irritating. Their presence became essential to eachother, but neither of them would complain. The feeling of completion.
"Morning mouse," Jude let himself in on her command, sitting himself on the end of her bed.
"Morning bells," she smiled to him, sitting up with a stretch. He visited his best friend most mornings to bring her a coffee or a bit of breakfast if he'd already been to the canteen. But today, he was empty handed.
"Actually, I've got a purpose today," he told her, as though he could read her mind. She tilted her head, looking at him like a confused puppy.
"Southgate wants to see the whole camp, all of the lads, you and Sasha, everyone in an hour in the main hall. No idea why," he shrugged. Great. Maeve thought to herself. Whatever it was, it didn't sound positive. Her mind flooded with negative thoughts - what if her and Sasha had to go home so the boys could focus? How would she cope without Mason by her side ever night? And then the thoughts got worse. She couldn't stay here forever - how would she cope when she actually did have to go home and couldn't be around mason 24/7? She sighed, having forgotten her friend was still sat at the end of her bed.
"Alright, well let me shower and everything and I'll see you all down there in a bit," she smiled, giving him a hug.

As Maeve jumped in the shower, the thoughts continued. She felt a lump in her throat as the scenarios echoed around. Would this relationship last when they weren't at the camp? When Mason had to focus on leagues and big matches - she couldn't possibly interfere then. She continued washing herself thoroughly as usual, trying her best to block the thoughts out.

"I wonder what Southgate wants?" Mason spoke in Bens direction as they both sat on the bench in the changing room, water bottles In mouths.
"Not a clue man. I was thinking it would be something to do with the World Cup squads, but why would he want the girls there for that too?" Ben shrugged, with a sigh as they tried to woke it out. Masons mind began to whirl - had he got Maeve in trouble by being somewhat distracted? He sighed, scratching his neck.

This announcement was sending the whole camp into panic.

Through the insecurity and doubts of her relationship, Maeve decided to make an effort today, in attempt to keep Mason interested. Although of course, she didn't realise that wouldn't be a problem; he was truly smitten. She curled the ends of her hair, styling her curtain bangs out of her face. Her makeup was natural as always, a slight tinge of red colour on her lips. She pulled on some black leggings, pulling the waist into her natural hour glass figure and paired them with an oversized slogan white T-shirt, her favourite gold jewellery and her Nike Air Force shoes. After spraying herself with perfume and checking her phone. It was nearly ten, so she decided to head down to the hall.

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