part forty two

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For a while, life was well and truly perfect.

The Mount-Muis household were in their element; mentally, physically, lustfully. Everything was beautiful. It was coming towards winter and the teams were all on a Winter break for the week, which meant Maeve and Mason had been spending every second together.

As Maeve opened her eyes, the atmosphere shone a bright white light through their cosy bedroom, ensuring her the snow had not resided overnight. Looking out of the arched window, she noticed blankets of the crystal substance across the ground, the trees, everywhere, the sky still a creamy colour with not signs of stopping the blizzard any time soon. Maeve smiled to herself, sitting up out of her cosy cream duvet, her body only covered by her boyfriends Chelsea shirt from last season. Inhaling deeply with a stretch, she could smell sweet food, and decided to follow the scent downstairs to the kitchen, where the love of her life stood in nothing but grey joggers, his hair messy and his stubble structured. He had his side to her as he flipped the pancakes in the pan.
"Morning, gorgeous," he smiled to her as she walked into the room. Although they'd been together for months now, he still felt the same as he did the first day he'd met her. His brown eyes glowed when she entered the room, or the thought of her entered his head. His stomach was paraded by butterflies.
"Morning, mase. What's all this for?" She smiled, walking towards the kitchen island and acknowledging plates of pancakes, fruit and syrup.
"For you," he smirked, placing a delicate kiss on her cheek as he put the last pancake onto a plate and sat himself at the island.
"You didn't have to do any of this," Maeve smiled, wrapping her arms around his shoulders as he sat down.
"I know, but you deserve it,"


Of course, when life gets to a constant stage of glory, of love, of perfection, it's hard to forget what it feels like to struggle alone.

"Babe, your phones ringing," Maeve called to her boyfriend who had gone in the kitchen to take the dinner plates to the dishwasher that evening.
"Ok coming now," Mason replied, rushing back through the door to where the girl lay on the sofa, his phone ringing on the coffee table. He quickly reached for his phone, his face dropping as he grabbed it and ended the call.
"Everything ok?" Maeve moved her eyes off the TV and onto Masons now stern face. He was dazed, like he was in another world.
"Huh? Oh yeah everything's fine," he smiled to her, leaning in and placing a kiss on her head as he threw his phone back down onto the sofa. He headed back into the kitchen with a sigh, leaving the girl in knowledge that everything wasn't, in fact, fine.

She knew she trusted him, she wasn't worried. But she was worried in terms of what he'd seen. Had he fallen out with one of the boys? Was he not placed in the squad for next season? She sat up, peering round the door and seeing him in the kitchen with his back to her. Quietly, Maeve reached for his phone and entered his password - '110821', the date they had got together. Maeve quickly clicked onto the message he had been frowning at, feeling guilty as she did so. And within a glimpse of the screen, her world came crashing down. Everything around her faded, but the words infront of her as her hands began to sweat and tremble.

 Everything around her faded, but the words infront of her as her hands began to sweat and tremble

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As she heard footsteps, she locked the phone and placed it exactly where she'd found it.
"You ok? You've gone abit pale?" Mason asked sympathetically as he entered the room. Maeve kept her eyes locked on the ground to hide the tears that were brewing. She cleared her voice to hide the croak.
"Oh, urm, yeah, I'm not feeling great. I think I'm going to go and have a lie down," she shook, exiting the room before he could say another word.

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