S2. Part fifteen

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(All italics are flashbacks <3 )

Ombré of candy floss blue and pink clouds set over the quaint streets of the small Dutch town. The park ahead bordered by old fashioned windmills, the air fresh and chocolatey. Children and their parents kicked footballs around the park, cheering as the goal became ever closer. Maeve's black school shoes skipped over the beige gravel, her hand warm in his.
"Where shall we sit today then, princess?" Sven smiled, kissing his daughters tiny hand. Every Wednesday, Karen worked late, meaning Maeve for quality time with her father. He'd pick her up from school, then he'd walk her the long way home; her favourite route through the park and the windmills next to the river. Today in particular, he held a picnic basket in his other hand, which was always a special treat.
"Urmmm, just there!" The toddler began running towards the small park bench, looking out over the sunset across the river. As she ran, her hand fell free from Sven's as she fell to the gravel, scratching her knee beneath her school skirt.
"Ouch," she pouted, sitting on the ground with her hands reaching up to her dad.
"Oh princess, you are brave!  Come here," he reached down and picked her up, kissing the side of her head as he walked with her towards the bench.
"I love you, my little mouse," he smiled, placing her down on the bench and laying the food out on the blanket infront of them.
"And I love you, dada."


"Where are we going mase?" Maeve rested her head on his shoulder her two arms gripping around his one.
"It's a surprise!" He giggled, resting his head on hers as they walked. He placed a kiss on the side of her head, appreciating the beauty of their surroundings.
"Wait, we're not..." she began, noticing the street signs. He simply looked to her, his brown eyes locking with hers as he smirked.
A short walk later, they reached the walkway to the familiar park.
"How did you know about this place?!" Maeve questioned, unable to believe her eyes at how thoughtful he was.
"I have my ways," he smiled, his spare hand latching into hers, the other firmly on the wicker handle of the picnic basket. "But precisely, I asked your mum."
Maeve turned to him as they stopped walking, placing a gentle kiss on his lips. As she pulled away, he continued to smirk, his eyes unable to focus on anything but her lips and her hazel eyes. He simply stood in awe as the sky faded to a beautiful, orange sunset behind her. She looked like a true angel, and not a day went by that he didn't feel so blessed to have her. And she felt the same level of awe towards him, his long brunette hair waving in the wind, perfectly parted down the middle in his newest style which she adored. His eyes creased slightly as he smiled, his cheeks rosy and his stubble prominent.
"I love you, princess," he whispered.
"I love you too, mase," she smiled back, before his lips re attached to hers.

The evening was passing by, but the couple wished they could freeze time. It felt so different to sit alone in a beautiful park, a picnic thoughtfully arranged by Mason himself and the biggest change - a lack of overwhelming, yet wonderful, footballers.
"Mase, you really didn't have to do all of this. I have no idea how I got so lucky," Maeve smiled, biting into a strawberry as she felt her stomach rumble.
"Don't be silly, baby girl. I'd do anything for you, and this is the least you deserve. Your mum told me how important this place was to you, and I wanted your day to be even more special, seeing as it's our last celebration before our little prince comes along," he tickled his fingers over her bump, relishing the feeling of wholesomeness he felt through himself.
"The last time I was here I was with my dad. He used to bring me, and a picnic, every week. I haven't felt so whole since I lost him, but being here with you tonight, I feel so complete. I miss him so much, he'd have loved you so much," Maeve smirked, her eyes fixated on the flowing water. He squeezed her hand tighter in his, placing a gentle kiss against her skin with his soft lips.
"And I'd have loved him too, and of course I'd thank him for blessing me with the beautiful angel I am lucky enough to call my wife," Mason responded, almost sounding emotional as he rubbed his thumb against her hand. The couple remained in a comfortable silence for minutes, relishing eachothers presence as usual, when Maeve felt another rumble in her stomach, this once sending a twinge of pain from her abdomen through to her back.
"Ouch," she couldn't help but let out, closing her eyes and hunching up slightly to try and ease the pain.
"Hey, you ok darling?" Mason lowered his eyebrows, quickly placing his hand on her back in concern.
"Yeah I'm fine, just had a cramp. I don't think I've eaten enough today that's all," she replied, appreciating that the feeling had faded. Mason wasn't convinced, his eyes still on the girl.
"Oh fuck," She soon commented again, this time cradling her stomach in pain.
"Baby I think we need to get you back and to bed," Mason was blatantly concerned and wanted her to be okay. Maeve nodded, taking a deep breath and un hunching her body. Mase packed the empty wrappers into the basket, followed by the picnic blanket, before pulling himself up and reaching for his wife's hand, helping her up steadily. She winced as she stood straight, immediately curling over again.
"I'm not feeling too good, I think I've overdone it and he's protesting," she tried to giggle, rubbing her stomach, but immediately felt weak and sick.
"I'll call one of the lads to come and get us - Jacks renting a car over here so I'll call him now. In the mean time, you have another sit down and I'll be right here," he helped her to the floor, rubbing her shoulders gently.
"That's it, my brave girl," he whispered, placing a kiss on her head.

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