part thirty six

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A/n - hey guys! Sorry for being inactive - I didn't really like where this story was going so I decided to change up my drafts abit and have now updated it for you al 😌 I'm currently isolating with covid so ill try and get as many chapters out as possible for you lovely lot this week! Enjoy 💕

"I miss Summer cuddles already," Maeve huffed, collecting her tote bag out of the foot well as Mason closed his door, throwing his Nike rucksack on his back and heading for the large black front door with a smile.
"We'll see them all again soon enough, baby," he assured his girlfriend. Maeve followed Mason through the front door of his house, flicking her Air Force trainers off at the welcoming door mat and placing them in his matte black shoe rack, her socks exposed to the cold marble floor that shimmered under the white lighting. Mason hung his bag over the hook behind the front door, using his hand on the lower pit of Maeve's back to gently pass her. Maeve welcomed herself into the living room like normal, the grey corner sofa looking ever more cosy with the fleecey and shaggy throws laying across them. The matching rug in the middle of the marble floor added warmth as Mason entered the room, flicking the big lighting off and the smaller warm branch lights on.
"Are you ok?" Maeve asked him, noticing he had hardly looked at her or said a word since they got out the car.
"Maeve, I think we need to talk."


private message : MJ and Sasha


I leave my phone for one minute
Girl what's going on
Do I need to beat someone up
Is it mason
What's happened

no it's too important I can't tell you over text plz meet me at Starbucks 11am tomorrow

All of that to not even tell me 🥲
But fine
See ya tomorrow bby g


"What did Sasha say?" Mason laughed, wrapping his hands around Maeve's waist and leaning his head on her shoulder as he watched her pace around his kitchen on her phone. He wasn't sure whether it was nerves, or excitement, but she had agreed and that was the first step. Although, he didn't doubt it. They both knew they couldn't sleep nearly as well without the other, they truly were missing pieces to eachothers puzzles.
"We need to start looking!" Maeve exclaimed, as though suddenly clicking how exciting this truly was.
"Look, don't be annoyed I started without you, but I've already found a really nice house. Three bedrooms, two living rooms, indoor and outdoor pools and of course a massive garden for football," he winked, stroking down her head with an admirable gaze.
"When can we go and see it?" Maeve smiled with a gasp, her hands locking with her boyfriends.
"How does tomorrow afternoon sound?" Mason smirked.
"Sounds perfect," she stood onto her tip toes placing a kiss on his cheek, feeling the apples of his cheeks tense in form of a broad smile.

The evening flew by with the rain pattering on the sky lights above the living room, the couple cuddled up on the sofa under a blanket as they watched movies. It was late when Mason felt Maeve yawn, then shuffle down slightly to rest her head on his lap.
"You ok, beautiful?" He whispered softly, kissing the side of her head as she lay over him in a curled up ball.
"I'm sleepy," she fluttered her eyes, looking up at him.
"Is that your way of asking to be carried to bed?" He smirked, knowing his girlfriend all too well. She smiled slightly, closing her eyes and nodding.
"Anything for you, my princess," he joked, scooping her up bridal style and flicking the tv off. He carried her up the grey carpeted stairs, her arms wrapped round his neck and her head on his shoulder. It had been a busy weekend for them both with lots of driving, visiting family and socialising. But now it was time to relax.
"Mase," Maeve whispered, opening her eyes and locking them with his as he carried her across the white and grey landing towards his bedroom.
"Yes, mouse?" He looked down at her with an air of concern.
"I love you,"
"I love you more than anything my girl."

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