S2. Part eighteen

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"Is she going to be ok? Is hé going to be ok?" Maeve heard the faint sniffing of a familiar voice.
"I'm sorry sir but it is too early to tell. She had some extreme swelling inside her stomach, which was causing a lot of pressure on baby. When he kicked, he burst the protective sack hence all the blood. Your wife has lost an awful amount of blood and, when she wakes from this coma, will be severely weak, maybe even for weeks. This can put a strain on delivery of the baby for her," another mans voice echoed through Maeve's ears. She was still unsure where she was, and somehow felt paralysed from opening her eyes to find out. Attempting to lift her arm failed, like she couldn't even reach for help. She just lay there, lifeless and confused.
"So what happens?! If she goes into labour now is she going to make it?!"
"Sir that's not really an option, the baby will need to come out as soon as possible if we want any chance of the baby surviving."
"And what about my wife? What if she doesn't survive?" The familiar voice whispered threw croaks, Maeve feeling a warmth against her weak hand, soon followed by droplets of water.
"We will do everything we can, sir. This is a very very rare situation, and we are all unaware of the outcome. But we will do everything in our power to keep them both with us."

The doctors had given Mason the afternoon to himself with Maeve whilst they spoke to various consultants and midwives about the best plan of action. To be honest, time alone was the last thing he wanted right now. A million thoughts raced his brain, each one clouding his already weary eyes more as his gaze permanently fell on the sleeping girl to his left.
"Please be okay, baby, I can't be without you," he sniffed, resting his head against her arm as he held her cold hand tight in his.
"You have no idea how much you god damn mean to me, Maeve Jasmin Mount. Fuck even I didn't realise it was possible for someone to be this special to anyone ever. What I would do for you to open those beautiful chocolate eyes right now and see that pretty smile, knowing you're okay and he's going to be okay," Mason whispered to her through sobs. "But your body needs to rest, don't fight it princess. Just know I'm here when you're ready to wake up." He placed a long kiss on her hand, closing his eyes meaningfully as he did so. He was so caught up in the moment, he almost felt a twinge in one of her fingers. But he knew it was just his mind playing tricks on him.

"Anyone heard anything, lads?" Dec paced around the living room of the rented house in the centre of Amsterdam, knowing the couple were only 5 minutes up the road in the city hospital, but having been told they weren't to visit until the situation was under control.
"I've texted him twice now with no reply," Ben sighed, sitting on the sofa with his elbows on his knees, his gaze at the floor.
"Look, I know it's not good and everything, but can someone please explain what's happened in a way that I can actually understand," Jack folded his arms, his eyebrows raised as the boys sighed.
"Maeve is pregnant, Jack, you know that means she has a baby in her stomach right?" Dec began slightly lighthearted.
"Obviously I knew that, it's all mase goes on about,"
"Well the baby kicked Maeve too hard where she had a bruise from Masons ex beating her up," Dec continued, his mood changing slightly already.
"Yep I remember that, vile cow she was,"
"And because the baby kicked the poorly part of her stomach, it caused a lot of bleeding. And maeve lost so much blood her body couldn't cope and she lost consciousness. And she's yet to gain it again."
The room fell silent as Jack realised the seriousness of the situation.
"Fucking hell," he quickly spoke, his jaw dropping. The boys all knew Maeve was a fighter, they knew she'd be okay. But they also knew that was just their wishful thinking. Not only for how much they loved her, but how much their dear Mason loved her, and the struggle he would face every single day without her. The chatter of the streets outside was the only noise echoing through the room, until the air was cut by a phone ringing. The lads all looked to eachother to find the culprit, before Ben pulled his phone up and stood up.
"It's mase..."

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