S2. Part eleven

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Maeve couldn't sleep that night. She had been given instructions by mase that they needed to be up early to go on some trip with the boys, but when questioned further, he had no answers to give. She was super intrigued, and even more excited. She lay on her back, her hand caressing her bump as she stroked the baby through the oversized t shirt she was wearing. Mason lay on his side next to her, one of his hands under his hand and he other also resting on her bump. He peacefully snored through his slightly open lips, proving how exhausted he was from a busy day of training...and a busy day of hiding from his wife's curiosity.

"Mouse, honey, it's time to wake up my love," Mason whispered over the alarm just hours later.
"Hm? What time is it?" Maeve rubbed her eyes, opening them slightly to see the boy lying on his side, his head resting on his muscular arm.
"It's five o clock baby, but we have a small drive to where we're meeting the boys for the, urm, meeting, so we need to get going," he placed a kiss on her forehead, then her stomach, which was his morning routine, before climbing out from under the duvet, his bare feet resting on the cream fluffy carpet of the bedroom floor.
"Can you Atleast tell me what kind of...meeting it is so I know what to wear?" She laughed, knowing he still wouldn't give off any information.
"Wear something comfy," he smirked, pulling on a pair of black shorts and a beige hoodie, before slipping his Jordan's on. Maeve shook her head, giggling as curiosity got the best of her, before clambering out of bed and heading for the wardrobe.
"Mase, where are all my clothes?" Maeve shouted down the stairs in confusion.
"Must be in the wash, babe," he shouted back, silently carrying the suitcase full of her clothes to the back of his car. She sighed, unbeknown to this, and pulled on a sage green tracksuit and some matching air jordans.

Sweet caroliners



No really whose idea was this

Ricey boy
No it really was

Feel like a proud dad, well done Jack

money mase
Can always count on our super jacky

Why are you all texting when you're all going away together

We're flying rn
And while I'm super super SUPER impressed and grateful this has been arranged, I think it slipped our jackys mind to book us all seats near eachother on the plane

Didn't even know that was something you were meant to do
But oh well
I got a cute old lady next to me

ricey boy
Alright for some, I've got a girl fan girdling next to me who thinks I can't see her taking Snapchat's constantly of me


money mase
Yes baby

The guy next for me keeps touching my leg and asking for my number
Can you come and save me

A knight in shining armour

No my man literally just strutted the whole plane within a second to intervene

Big boy foden the
I can hear him 😂😂
"Hey princess is this guy bothering you?"
What a gentleman

Money mase
What a dickhead

Why what did he do

Money mase
Flirted with MY wife

Ricey boy
Territorial mason activated

money mase
Damn right

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