My Most Precious Treasure

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Wow... it's been a while. 

お久しいぶりみんなさん。 (It's been a while everyone)

So much has happened to me since I've last been on here. 

I will answer your first question now, no I am not coming back. I'm sorry, I know I promised that I would finish this story, but I feel like it was a lifetime ago where I promised myself that I would finish a story if I started it. 

But I've grown since then.

I started this story in the beginning of my high school life and now, I'm in my second year of college. And to be quite frank, I don't have the time, energy nor the inspiration anymore to be writing this story. 

I have so many other projects and responsibilities now since high school and I don't think I would want to spend time on a project that I'm not completely invested in. I also wouldn't think that you guys would enjoy a half hearted story either.

To be completely honest, I completely forgot about this account until the other day where Squuishyy reminded me of the good old days talking about Amourshipping in our high school math class. 

God dang it's been years since I've used the word Amourshipping haha. 

In fact it's been so long that I had to dig really deep in order to find the email that I used to make this account. 

However, I didn't want to leave this part of my life off without saying goodbye as I wouldn't be who I am today without this website. This website is the reason why I found one of my loves in life being Japan and Japanese culture. Without this website, I don't think I would have dived straight down the anime rabbit hole as hard as I did and discover the wonders that is Japanese animation. 

I've learned so much since then, I've seen so much since then, and most importantly I've grown a lot since then.

Nowadays, I'm learning Japanese and can actually speak, read and write the language. Alongside that I've actually visited Japan (before this whole world situation of course) and am planning on getting a job there too. I've come to love the country and everything about it and it's all thanks to Wattpad that was I set on the path where I would. 

Of course, not everything has changed. I still love anime and still reminisce on the old days where I actually had the free time to do this. But one thing that has changed is that I'm an adult now. Back when I was in high school I remember being super passionate about writing and wanting to create. 

Maybe it's the more jaded part of me talking, but now I'm more set on what I'm going to have to do tomorrow rather than having grandiose dreams and ideas.

Maybe you're mad, and I completely understand. I completely broke my promise and have gone down a completely different path in life. 

But that's just how life is sometimes isn't it?

You fall in love with things that you never even thought that you would love. You meet people and you drift away and you grow and experience new things.

To be honest I'm just rambling at this point.

But I think what I wanted to say most was thank you.

Thank you for supporting me all this way. 

Thank you for showing me this path in life.

And most importantly, thank you for all the memories.

It will always be my most precious treasure.

This time in my life will always be a very important and cherished time for me.

All that being said, if you want to continue the story please feel free to if you're so inclined. I will not be checking this account again so I wish you all the luck if you choose to do so. I might even post some old notes that I had for some plans I had for this story later. However, I will not be checking this account again so this will be my final goodbye.

Before I go though I will leave you off with a quote from one of my favorite anime of all time.

"This time is precious. But it's flowing onward, and I can't stop it." -Hinata Kawamoto (3gatsu no Lion).

This is a quote that I thought was quite fitting for this and I figured you might get something out of it. Anyways, this is Amourshipper365 signing off for the very last time. Thank you all for everything that you've done for me and I wish you all the best!



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2022 ⏰

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