Don't Leave

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A/N: Hey guys. Nice to see you all again after a week. Well, how did you guys like the double cliffy? Bet you loved it right? Haha, anyways hope you guys enjoy the chapter. And I've got a special little announcement at the bottom ;)


"I think that this would be a good place to set him down," Gary said as he gently put Ash down on the cave floor. Steven, Cynthia and Serena quickly followed behind Gary setting down all the stuff that they had raided from the base that they may need. They took 2 weeks worth of food, some sleeping bags, blankets and pots and pans just in case. 

Once everything had been set down, Serena promptly went over to Ash and started to set up a makeshift bed for him. Once she had laid out the sleeping bag and pillows, she rolled Ash onto it. When Serena had gotten Ash onto his bed, Pikachu came over with Ash's hat and without making a sound he curled up next to Ash inside the hat. When everyone was settled down, Steven and Cynthia called Gary and Serena over to talk. 

"Alright, Cynthia and I will set out for town tonight. There are a lot of berry trees here if you guys need to heal any of your Pokemon, and there is a stream nearby for water if you need it," Steven said. "You guys are going to stay here and look over Ash for a few days, is that all right with you?"

"Yes, that's fine," Gary replied. 

"Alright then, we should start preparing to go. You guys get settled in," Steven said leaving the cave to collect some berries. Serena came back over to Ash and sat down next to him for a little bit. As she sat down, she buried her head in her knees and let the thoughts in her head take over.

How could I? I did it again. I made everything worse.This is all my fault. If I hadn't gone with them like Gary told me to, Ash would be perfectly ok right now.

"Hey, you alright there?" Serena looked up to see Gary coming over and sitting down next to her. Serena just looked straight ahead and she didn't reply to Gary.

"You're probably thinking that this is all your fault aren't you?" Serena looked up in surprise. Was she that transparent? First Aria saw what was going on and now Gary?

"Don't worry, none of this is your fault. How were we supposed to know that J was gonna play that card," Gary balled his hand into a fist in anger. "We trainers have a code you know. We would never direct an attack at another trainer. It's not your fault that J went and broke it."

"This is my fault," Serena replied in a low tone, "If I'd moved out of the way of the beam, none of this would've happened. If I'd just listened to you none of this would've happened. I let you down, I let Ash down, I let everyone down" Serena felt a hand on her shoulder and looked over at Gary.

"You may keep blaming yourself, but you know that none of us blame you for what has happened. I know that Ash will hang on and wake up, he always does. So, don't worry about it. Now, I need to get Ash out of these dirty mission cloths. You mind stepping outside for a bit?"

"Yeah, sure," Serena said getting up from her spot. As she made her way to the cave entrance she heard Gary mutter something to himself.

"Ash, you have quite a girl there. Don't you dare give up on her," 


(A Few Hours Later)

"Alright, we are heading out. Stay safe you guys," Cynthia called over to Gary and Serena.

"We will," They replied in unison. 

"If you need anything, Staraptor is here is you need to send a message," Steven called before the two of them left the cave and began their trek to the town.

Once they had left, Serena still remained by Ash's side. She sat next to his head and played with his hair. She twirled them around her finger and began to think. She thought of the moment when they had first met as kids. She thought of how Ash chose to sit next to her on the first day of school. She thought of all the adventures the two have had. She thought about how he had given her a group, he had built up her self confidence, he had done so much for her.

Yet, what has she done for him?

She hasn't done anything but give him food on that first day of school. She was worthless to him. Yet, why does he stay with her? Why has he done so much for her when she has barely done anything for him.

I have always like Ash this way. This feeling has only gotten stronger. I thought that it would go away after a while, but it never has. What used to be small crush has turned into something bigger. Something so much more.

It has turned into love.

Love, I love Ash Ketchum. 

Why does Ash have to be hurt with a chance of never waking up again for me to realize this? What am I going to do if he never wakes up again? What if I never see those golden hazel eyes, or hear that deep laugh of his again?

Serena heard a small thunk behind her which snapped her out of her thought process. She saw Gary setting down a small sandwich on a plate for her.

"Here, I thought that you'd be hungry," He said holding it out for Serena.

"Thanks," Serena said taking the sandwich. She didn't eat it however, she just stared at the sandwich. 

"It's getting pretty late," Gary said looking outside. "Judging from the moon, I'd say its about midnight. You should get some rest Serena." Serena gave him a nod of acknowledgement before returning to her thoughts. Gary let out a sigh, then got up and walked back over to the other side of the cave where he began putting away all the food he had taken out. After a little while longer of sitting next to Ash, Serena felt her eyes began to droop. That was a little weird because she had barely moved from this spot since she had sat down.

Serena had a harder and harder time keeping her head up. Eventually, she laid her head down on Ash's chest. She listened to his steady heartbeat. The heartbeat that told her, Ash is somewhere in there. The heartbeat that gave her hope.

Please Ash, don't leave. Don't ever leave me without knowing how I feel. How I've always felt.


A/N: Hey guys, enjoy the chapter? It feels so good to write some Amour again and not just some action. Anyways, my friend told me not to do this, but I'm doing it anyways. Make sure you all follow Squuishyy. He is a good friend of mine, a writer and my editor. And he told me not to give him a shout out but I'm doing it anyways. So how many of you guys are waiting for the announcement? Are you ready for it? It is underneath this author's note so go take a look at it when you are all done reading this. This is Amourshipper signing off for now. Have an awesome day!

(And no that's not the chapter title

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(And no that's not the chapter title. That's just the name of the story.)

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