The Question

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A/N: Hey everyone this is Amourshipper still. Squuishyy has been too busy to update this book, so I've taken it upon myself to do what I could. And by that, I mean I wrote this whole thing in Spanish class. So hopefully it's not too rushed? Hopefully? Anyways hope you all enjoy.


A dark figure moved through the ruins of a collapsed building. It rummaged through the fallen broken stones and fallen building parts looking for a certain something.

"Mistress J," a voice from the side called. Hunter J turned her head over to look at the person who called her name. She saw her head henchmen picking his way through the rubble to make his way over to her. He was followed by another 3 henchmen behind him. The one in the middle holding a case.

"We've found it," he said gesturing for the henchman to move forward. The grunt walked up to Hunter J opening the case to show her the content inside.

"Yes, very good," Hunter J said with a smile when she saw the content inside the case. "Looks like they didn't take it after all."



"ARRGGHHH," Ash yelled jumping up out of bed as an electric current ran through him. He landed on the floor with a thump and was covered from head to toe with soot.

"Ouch," he groaned as he sat up from the floor. "Morning Pikachu, time for school?"

"Pika!" Pikachu replied as Ash started to climb out of bed.

It has been 3 months since the botched Hunter J mission. Steven and Cynthia got to the camp a day after Ash woke up and took the 3 of them home. Since then, everyone has heard about the mission and Ash has made a full recovery. His relationship with Serena has also developed quite a bit. And after a long and extensive talk with Gary, he got a crash course on the topic of crushes.

Ash made his way to the bathroom and took a quick shower, then threw on some cloths and dashed downstairs to see Gary waiting for him. He grabbed a slice of toast before saying goodbye to his mom and heading out the door.

"So, how are things with you and Serena?" Gary asked him as they made their way to school.

"Same as always," Ash replied with a shrug.

"That's been your answer for the past 3 months whenever I ask you that question," Gary said with a sigh, "When will you ever do something?"

"I dunno," Ash replied with a sheepish smile. "I'll do something when the moment comes."

Ash and Gary made their way down the block and to school. Once they reached it, they went to their meeting spot where everyone was.

"Hey guys," Ash said as they approached the group.

"Hey Ash," Everyone else replied when they saw him and Gary approach.

"Wow no hi for me?" Gary asked pretending to be dissapointed.

"Nope," Drew said popping the p. "Wait a sec... aren't you supposed to be making up a test or something right now?"

Gary's eyes widened as he realized that he forgot about the make up test that he had.

"Gotta blast," Gary said taking off towards the building, "Smell ya later everyone."

"So where's Serena at?" Ash asked turning back to the group prompting Dawn and May to exchange a look.

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