A Holiday Showcase

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A/N: Hey guys, happy early Christmas. So, I wrote an extra chapter for you guys and I hope you enjoy. Don't worry, Saturday's chapter will still be out as always. I also have a little announcement in the bottom A/N so go check that out for me. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter.


"No I don't want to do it," Serena whined as Dawn dragged her out of her bed. 

"Come on, you only have 3 hours to get ready before we have to go get you registered," Dawn said as she struggled to pull Serena out of bed. It has been a week since Dawn and Serena had been shopping and a lot has happened since then. Ash and Serena have told the rest of the group and Serena's parents about her showcase . At first they were surprised, but instead of being angry at Serena for keeping the secret, they supported her.

"You know how hard you, Ash and Fennekin have worked on this, you can't give up now," Dawn said giving one last hard jerk, causing Serena to come crashing to the floor. 

"Owwww," Serena complained looking up to glare at Dawn.

"Sorry," Dawn said sweatdropping. "You were lighter than I thought you would be. But come on we have to hurry."

 "I think you gave me amnesia, I don't know what we are doing anymore," Serena said still on the floor.

"Haha," Dawn laughed sarcastically, "Just hurry up, you need to take a shower and get your dress on." 

"Urrgh," Serena groaned finally getting up from the floor.

"Go take your shower. I'll get your stuff ready for you," Dawn said walking out of the room. Serena walked into the bathroom and took a quick shower. She came out to see that her parents had already made breakfast for her. Dawn was already sitting at the table and was gobbling up her plate of bacon, eggs, sausages and toast.

Serena sat down at the table next to Dawn and across from her dad who was reading the newspaper. Serena just sat there idly picking at her food. 

"Eat up Serena," Grace said.

"Yeah, you're gonna need it for today's Pokemon showcase," John said looking up from the newspaper.

"I know, it's just that I'm not very hungry right now," Serena said looking down at her untouched plate.

"Just eat a tiny bit," Dawn said, "We don't want you collapsing on stage now do we?" 

Serena managed to eat a pieces of bacon and a slice of toast before Dawn ushered her into her room to get changed.

"Here, put on your dress," Dawn said throwing the dress in Serena's face. "We'll go do your hair when you've changed."

"Arceus Dawn, we have 2 hours. What's the rush?" Serena asked.

"We're meeting up with everyone else in about an hour and 30 minutes at Gary's," Dawn said. "Then we're going to the performance center which is about 20 minutes away."

"Wait, I thought that the showcase didn't start til 5 tonight," Serena said.

"Yeah, but they want the performers in early, SO HURRY UP," Dawn shouted the last part.

"Ok ok, I'm going," Serena said walking into the bathroom to change. Once she came out, Dawn attached a red bow to her dress and passed her some stockings, and a pair of red flats. Serena put them on and Dawn went to do her hair. Dawn  put a few curls into Serena's short honey blonde hair before putting a headband on her.

"There, perfect," Dawn said stepping back to admire her work, "You're gonna dress Fennekin up onstage for the theme performance. So, we don't have to worry about her yet."

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