The Start Of A New Adventure

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A/N: I hoped you enjoyed the first part of My Everything. If you have some extra time take a look a the video above. It is one of my favorite AMV's and is by PokemonRangerBoy12. Keep in mind that if you see any mistakes to tell me.


(2 Months Later)

"PIKA-CHUUUU," Pikachu said as he unleashed a bolt of electricity.

"ARRRRGGGHHHH," Ash yelled as he got electrocuted by Pikachu. He launched like a rocket out of bed. Once, he fell on the ground he was covered in soot.

"What was that for Pikachu?!" Ash yelled at Pikachu.

"Pika Pikachu," Pikachu said pointing at the clock.

"Oh, its 6:00. Why did I wake up so early again?" Ash said as he sweatdropped and Pikachu fell on the ground anime style.

"OH YEA, IT'S THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL," Ash yelped jumping off of the ground and ran to the bathroom to get ready. Ash took a quick shower and brushed his teeth. He put on a black T-shirt, some jeans, his sneakers and he grab his jacket and hat from the desk. He then went down stairs to see his mom making some pancakes.

"Morning Mom," Ash said. 

"Good Morning Ash," Delia said, "Would you like some breakfast?"

"Yes please," Ash replied as he poured himself some orange juice. Delia placed a plate of pancakes in front of Ash and a bottle of syrup next to it. For Pikachu, she put a plate of pancakes, but this time she covered it with ketchup.

"Thanks Mom," Ash said.

"Pika pi," Pikachu said too.

"No problem hon and Pikachu," Delia replied, "Mr.Mime I need to go to the groceries after I drop Ash off at school. Do you mind taking care of the dishes and sweep the house while I'm gone?" 

"Mime Mime Mime," Mr.Mime replied nodding its head.

Thanks Mr.Mime," 

"Ok Ash we should get going. School is starting in 20 minutes, and it's better to get there early on the first day."

"Ok Mom lets go Pikachu," Ash said as Pikachu jumped onto Ash's shoulder. "Bye Mr.Mime see you later," Ash said waving at the psychic type pokemon.

"Mime Mr.Mime," he replied waving back at Ash.


"Ok Pikachu, here we are," Ash said as he stood in front of the huge school building.

"Well looks like Ashy-Boy has finally arrived," Ash heard a familiar voice behind him say. He turned around to see Gary stand there with a huge grin on his face. 

"Hi Gary," Ash replied sighing at the nickname Gary called him.

"Pika pi," Pikachu greeted Gary.

"I haven't seen you for a while," Gary said rubbing Pikachu's cheek causing Pikachu to purr.

 "I'm kinda new to this school thing," Ash said. "So what do we do first?"

"Well, first we get our schedules," Gary replied. "Here, follow me." 

Ash followed Gary to a table set up outside. Everyone that they passed however, noticed Ash and started to whisper to each other. 

"Is that really Ash Ketchum?"

"What is he doing here?"

"OMA, he's gonna be going to school with us?!"

"I'm going over there right now and asking for his number,"

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