A Big Red Problem

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A/N: Hey guys not much to say besides enjoy today's chapter.


Serena watched Ash's back as he walked away from her. She stayed in the same place, looking down, and made no move to follow him. She gently stroked Fennekin as tears streamed down her face. 

What have I done? How did I mess everything up? I always mess everything up.

Serena heard a sound behind her. She turned around to see Aria and her Delphox make their way out of the changing room. Aria was checking her phone as she came out of the changing room. She looked up from her phone to see Serena sitting there, still in her performance dress. 

"Hey, the performance ended about an hour ago. Why don't you go home?" Aria asked as she walked up to Serena. Serena looked at the ground and didn't respond to Aria. 

"This is about your performance on stage isn't it?" Aria asked, sitting down next to Serena. Serena gave her a small nod and continued to look down at the ground. "Let me guess, someone important came and tried to comfort you, and you yelled at them."

Serena looked up for the first time since she went up onstage when she heard Aria say that.

"And the person yelled backat you and ended up walking away didn't they? Now you're blaming yourself for all of this," Aria continued. Serena looked at Aria with wide eyes and her mouth wide open. 

"H-How did you know?" Serena manage to croak out.

"You're not the only one who's made a mistake onstage, and didn't realize until it was too late," Aria said flashing Serena a smile. "I remember my first performance with Delphox here," Aria said petting Delpox's snout.

"What happen?" Serena asked surprised that the Kalos Queen had once made a mistake like she had.

"Me and Delphox, who was just a little Fennekin back then, were dancing onstage. We were so into out performance, that we forgot that we were on a stage," Aria said with a small smile. "Delphox here ended up falling off of the stage and our performance got cut short."

Delphox and Aria both gave Serena a sheepish smile before Aria continued. "A fried of mine tried to help me out back then, but I pushed him away. We had a fallout," Aria's smile started to fade as she remembered the day of her first performance. "Afterwards, I picked myself up and started to work even harder. However, I was too stubborn and strong-minded back then to go and apologize. I haven't talked to him in a long time now," Aria said regretfully. "Don't make the same mistake I did, go and apologize to the person who had just walked away. Don't let them walk away from your life Serena," Aria said.

Serena sat in her spot for a little bit longer to process everything that she had just heard. After a few seconds, she stood up. 

"Thank you so much Aria. Now, if you don't mind there's something that I have to do," Serena said as she started to make her way to the door with Fennekin in her arms.

"I understand. I hope to see you in the next showcase. You are a very talented performer," Aria said with a wave.


"Ash we have to go now," Cynthia said as she started to pull him away from the stadium.

"Cynthia what's going on?" Ash asked as he was being pulled away by Cynthia.

"I'll fill you in on everything on the jet," Suddenly, Ash remembered that he had to go back to apologize to Serena, and pulled back a little.

"Cynthia I have something that I have to do. It won't take long," Ash said trying to convince Cynthia to let him go back.

"Ash, we have no time. We have to go now," Ash looked into her eyes to see that there was no room for argument. Ash let out a sigh.

I'll apologize to her first thing I do when I get home. Ash thought.

Ash and Cynthia finally reached the jet and the pilot escorted them inside. Ash sat down on one of the cushioned seats and made himself comfortable. He took Pikachu off of his shoulder and out him in his lap as they waited for Cynthia to come back and explain what was going on.

After a few seconds, Ash felt the jets underneath the plane activate and the jet lifted off of the ground. Once the plane was in the air, Cynthia came back and sat down opposite to Ash.

"Ok Ash, I know that you're wondering why we need you to leave so suddenly and quickly. I'll be blunt about it, Hunter J was able to steal the red orb," She said. Ash's eyes widened at the news. The red orb was used to control Groudon, the legendary Pokemon of the continent. The red orb was also used to revert Groudon back to its more powerful, primal form. With this type of power, the person controlling Groudon can cause earthquakes and make new continents raise out of the sea.

"Aria was holding onto the orb for us. It was the red orb that she wore as a necklace. We thought that since she is one of the most gaurded people on Earth, that she would be safe with it. We ended up being wrong," Cynthia said bitterly. "We've got info from Lance that said that Hunter J is based in Johto, so that's where we are heading. Steven and Gary are also coming with us. Steven is picking up Gary and informing your parents about this."

"So, we have to get the red orb back?" Ash asked.

"Yeah, we are going in first. We have to scout out the base and find a way to infiltrate it," Cynthia replied. "We are getting dropped off in Ecruteak City. That's the closest to the coordinates that Lance sent. We are making the rest of the way on our Pokemon."

"Got it," Ash replied.

"I'm sorry to be pulling you away so suddenly," Cynthia apologized, "But this is quite a big matter. It couldn't wait."

"I understand, I just wish I had a few minutes before we left," Ash said gloomily.

"What happened now?" Cynthia questioned.

"I got into a fight with one of my friends," Ash said.

"Is it someone close to you?"

"Yeah, she is really pretty and incredibly smart. She is always acting cute but she never realizes it. She always think that everyone else is better than her, I just wish she would think higher of herself," Ash said.

"I'm sorry to pull you away from apologizing, just do it first thing when you get back. I suggest you get some rest, we get there early tomorrow," Cynthia said. She got up to walk into another room of the jet. Before she walked through the door she turned back to Ash. "Oh by the way, the way you talk about this 'friend' is different than you talk about all your other friends. I ship it," Cynthia said with a wink and walked out of the room.


A/N: Hey hope you enjoy today's filler/info chapter. I know it was kinda boring but I needed to explain what was going on. It'll pick up next week I promise. Anyways this is Amourshipper signing off for now. Bye.

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