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A/N: Hey guys, I hope you've been enjoying this story so far. I've enjoyed writing these chapters so much! Anyways I hope you all enjoy this chapter!


Serena woke up to the sound of light breathing. She lifted her head off of Ash's chest and looked around in confusion for a second. As she lifted her head up, she felt something fall off of her shoulder. She turned around and saw a blanket laying behind her. Serena heard the sounds of pots and pans clanking outside of the cave, and she peaked her head outside to see Gary making breakfast. She watched as Gary added a touch of this or a little bit of that. After cooking for a few more minutes, Gary looked up to see Serena watching him cook.

"Hey there Serena," Gary said when he saw her.

"Morning. What are you cooking?"

"Oh, just a little something,"

"I didn't know you could cook,"

"Well someone's gotta feed Ash when he's off on his missions,"

"Haha, I guess you're right," Serena chuckled rubbing the back of her head.

"Want me to show you a thing or two?" Gary asked as he cut up some oran berries.

"Sure!" Serena said moving over to his side. As Serena cooked, Gary directed her. Telling her when to put in another ingredient or how to tell when something was starting to get overcooked. After a few minutes, the food was finished and Gary put the food on 2 plates and a bowl.

"Here Serena, this one's for you, and can you take this one to Pikachu?" Gary asked as he handed her a plate and a bowl.

"Sure!" Serena said taking the two and making her way back into the cave. She set her plate down on the floor and went to go look for Pikachu. After a few minutes of searching, she found Pikachu curled up in Ash's hat, in the same position that he was in last night.

"Pikachu?" Serena said as she approached, "I brought you some food. You hungry?"

Pikachu didn't make a sound. Instead he just continued to lay unmoving in the hat next to Ash. This worried Serena. In the past few months that she has known Pikachu, she has learned that he has had an appetite as big as his trainer's. For him to not be hungry was a rare occasion.

"You've gotta eat something Pikachu, you can't just sit here all day," Serena urged giving Pikachu a gentle prod. Pikachu stirred a little bit, then went back to his dormant state.

"Come on Pikachu, if you stay like this for the whole time, you're gonna pass out from hunger by the time Ash wakes up," Pikachu once again stirred a tiny bit and became unmoving again. Serena got tired of trying to get Pikachu to move and took the situation into her hands. Serena reached forward and picked up Pikachu. He squirmed around at first and tried to get back into the hat, but Serena held on firmly. She began to softly talk to him.

"Pikachu, I know that you are worried about Ash. I am too. But, we've got to hold on to the hope that Ash will come back. I know that he will come back to us! I know it! He would never give up on us," Pikachu stopped squirming around and Serena carried him over to Ash. Pikachu rested his ear against Ash's chest and she also put her own head next to it.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

"You hear that?" Serena asked. Pikachu gave Serena a small nod and she continued. "That's Ash's heartbeat. It means that he is still in there, somewhere, fighting like he always is."

"Pika-pi," Pikachu cried quietly as he listened to his trainer's heartbeat. He looked over to Serena, who was looking at Ash.

Please come back to us Ash. Please keep fighting, and until you do come back, I will be right here waiting for you.

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