A Booming Battle

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A/N: Hey guys what's up? I don't have much to say today other then enjoy the chapter. So, enjoy the chapter.

After school, the group gathered up at the meeting spot and headed off to the battlefield. On the way there, the group had their own conversations.  

"Hey Serena," Ash said looking at Serena who wasn't dressed in her usual hoodie and jeans. Today, she was wearing brown boots, a skirt and a nice pink blouse. 

Wow she looks cute. I wonder why she decided to dress differently today.


"Can you watch Pikachu for me during the battle?" He asked. "I'm not going to use Pikachu and it's only gonna be a one on one battle. So I want him to sit down and relax for a while."

"Oh yeah sure," Serena said. Pikachu jumped off of Ash's shoulder and into Serena's arms. Serena started to gently pet him as she walked and he cooed.

"Don't spoil him," Ash said with a chuckle.

"I've seen you spoil him more than I do, so you shouldn't be talking," Serena replied playfully. 

"Well, you got me there," Ash said raising his hands in a defeated gesture. 

"Hey, I'll race all of you guys to the battlefield," Gary shouted starting to take off towards it. 

"Hey no fair, I'm gonna fine you if you don't slow down this instant," Barry shouted running after Gary with everyone else behind him. 


"So, ready to lose?" Gary said confidently as the group walked onto the battlefield.

"I'm ready to beat you into the ground," Ash replied. Gary and Ash went to their respective sides of the battlefield and the rest of the group, except for Clemont went to the benches. 

"I'll be the referee for this battle," Clemont said standing in the middle of the battlefield.

"Alright, I'll send out my Pokemon first," Gary said. He enlarged a pokeball in his hand.

"Ok, lets go Electivire," Gary shouted sending out the huge yellow and black Pokemon.

"VIRE," Electivire shouted when it appeared out of it's pokeball.

"You're going with Electivire huh? Ok then, I choose Noivern," Ash said tossing his pokeball in the air. A huge purple and black dragon with big ears came out of the pokeball.

"Noi," Noivern called once it appeared.

"Alright then, Ash are you ready?" Clemont asked looking at Ash who gave him a nod in return. Clemont then turned to Gary who also gave him a nod.

"Alright then, BATTLE BEGIN," Clemont shouted bringing his hands down.

"Let's start this off right, Noivern use acrobatics," Ash shouted. 

"Noivern," Noivern called as it flew higher and came charging down straight at Electivire.

"Don't let it touch you, use thunderbolt," Gary commanded. Electivire quickly created an electrical current between his two antenna's then sent it at Noivern. However, Noivern quickly dodged each bolt of electricity sent at it and continued down until it crashed into Electivire sending it back a little.

"Electivire quick while its in close use thunderpunch," Gary commanded. Electivire quickly surrounded its fist in electricity and sent it straight into Noivern's stomach causing it to grunt in pain.

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