The Aftermath

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A/N: Hey guys sorry for the late update today. I had a long day yesterday and kinda slept in. Anyways hope you guys enjoy the chapter.


What am I fighting for?

That was the thought that rang throughout Ash's head as he fell. Instead of screaming, Ash simply had his eyes closed as he fell.

What is my purpose?

Ash faintly heard Pikachu's cry back up on the tower, he faintly heard the Salamence that Hunter J had fly off. Most of all, he heard the wind in his ears as he fell. The strange thing was, he felt no fear. Ash didn't feel fear while he was falling all he felt was confusion.


"Alright, I think that's the last of them," Clemont said as he helped a man get to the barricades that were set up by the police. The entire group had gathered back up once they finished helping out the citizens. May was the first to spot Gary, Aria and Brock heading their way.

"Hey guys," She called out waving. Gary returned the wave before turning to the rest of the group.

"Did you guys get everyone out?" He asked. The entire group nodded. "Good, now lets get out ourselves."

"Wait! Where is Ash? Garchomp stopped firing off moves a few minutes ago and he still isn't here," Serena said with a worried expression.

"I honestly thought he was here with you guys," Gary said. This did nothing to ease Serena's worry as Ash should've come down from the tower once he stopped Garchomp.

"Wait guys something just happened up there," Clemont asked adjusting his glasses. Everyone looked up to see an explosion happen, and a Salamence fly off. They then saw a red speck falling from the building.

"THAT'S ASH," Gary shouted sprinting as fast as he could to the bottom of the tower. This took a second for everyone else to register. Once it had registered in everyone's head they started sprinting off after Gary. Gary luckily had returned the rest of his Pokemon earlier. He grabbed a pokeball from his belt.

"GO FEAROW," Gary shouted throwing the pokeball into the air revealing a giant majestic bird.

"Fearow we need to hurry, get over to Ash and grab him," Gary said. Fearow immediately jumped into the air and flew as fast as it could towards Ash. Once it started closing in on Ash it held out its talons preparing to catch him. Fearow waited until the perfect moment, then it quickly closed its talons and was able to grab onto Ash's shoulders.

Fearow almost lost its balance due to the sudden amount of weight, but it was able to right itself and glide down to the group. When Fearow caught Ash, he felt a jolt and opened his eyes. He looked up to see that Gary's Fearow had caught him. Once Fearow reached the ground it gently set Ash down and landed on the ground itself. Gary was the first one to reach Ash.

"WHAT WERE YOU DOING?!"Gary shouted once he reached Ash. "DO YOU KNOW HOW STUPID THAT WAS?!"

"Heh, sorry for making you worry," Ash said, "Hunter J caught me off guard and knocked me off."

The rest of the group caught up with Gary and started to scold him and bombard him with questions.

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING JUMPING OFF OF THE TOWER?!" Misty Dawn and May yelled once they reached Ash.

"Well, I didn't really jump. Hunter J knocked me off," Ash replied rubbing the back of his head.

"What are you doing climbing the tower in the first place?" Clemont asked.

"Well, erm, it's sort of my job to keep everyone safe," Ash said.

"Wow Ash, how are you so brave?" Sawyer asked in awe. Ash just shrugged.

"It wasn't just me Gary and Brock were there too," Ash said gesturing to Brock who was helping Aria to the policemen.

"Pfft, whatever, I could do the same thing easily," Drew said running his hand through his green hair.

"Yeah, lets see you go up on that tower face a Garchomp then get blasted to the ground by a Salamence," Gary retorted.

"Well I could, and I wouldn't get blasted down by a Salamence because I would do it better,"

While Drew and Gary were bickering, Ash noticed that there was one person who hasn't gone up to him yet. He saw Serena standing back looking like she was trying to hold back tears. ash made his way over to her.

"Serena? You ok?" He asked. At that moment Serena couldn't hold in her tears anymore and she let it burst out.

"YOU STUPID IDIOT!" She screamed throwing herself into him and burying her face in his chest. "DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED I WAS?!"

Ash didn't know what to say. He had never seen Serena like this.

"It's ok, I'm ok now see?" Ash said patting her back.

"D-Don't ever do that again please," Serena sniffed. Ash looked down at her and felt a sudden pang of hurt wash over him.

Why am I feeling like this? She is the one that is crying. She looks so pretty and delicate, but at the same time it puts daggers in my heart to see her cry.

"I will try to be more careful next time," Ash said soothingly. Serena took her head from his chest and looked at him in the eye.

"Promise?" She squeaked.

I don't know what I'd do without him. Please, promise never do that again Ash.

"I promise," Ash replied wiping away her tears.

"Well, looks like you guys had everything handled then," Ash let go of Serena and turned around to see Professor Sycamore and Cynthia.

"OMA IT'S CYNTHIA!!!" Dawn screamed, "I LOVE YOUR FASHION ADVICE." Cynthia smiled at this.

"Thank you, glad to meet a fan of my work," Cynthia replied before turning her attention back to Ash, Gary and Brock, who had just returned.

"You guys did a great job getting everyone out and stopping Garchomp. The local police will take it from here," Cynthia said.

"Thank you Cynthia," Ash said.

"Oh, Ash," Professor Sycamore said, "We have a little something for you." Professor Sycamore reached into his bag and pulled out a Pokemon egg.

"Take this as a thank you for helping out my Garchomp," Professor Sycamore said.

"Oh,well you don't need to thank me," Ash said.

"Nonsense, just take I know that you will take great care of that egg," Sycamore said.

"Oh, well what Pokemon is it?" Ash asked.

"Let's just keep that a secret for now," Sycamore said with a wink.

"I suggest you guys go home and get some rest before the media gets to you," Cynthia said.

"Yeah, I agree, it's even better since tomorrow is Sunday, you guys get another day to rest up before school," Sycamore said. The rest of the group agreed and started to gather up their belongings before going home. But before everyone left Gary noticed something.

"Hey Ash where's Pikachu?" Gary asked.

"SHOOT I LEFT HIM BACK UP ON THE TOWER," Ash yelled taking off towards the tower.


A/N: Well, hope you guys like the chapter. What'd you guys think of the xy special? In my opinion it was pretty cool to get some lore for the Kalos region. Anyways this is Amourshipper signing off, have a great day everyone.

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