Performance Problems

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A/N: Hey guys, So some of you may have noticed that I have changed my name from Amourshipper365 to TypicalWriter365. The reason I changed it is because I'm currently writing another story, but it isn't an amourshipping story. It has nothing to do with Pokemon. I just wanted to try out writing my own thing, and I thought that the name Amourshipper365 restricted me too much. I'm releasing that story soon, so if you guys want go give it a try. With that said, I will still be known as Amourshipper on here. I am and forever will be an amourshipper. Anyway, enjoy the chapter guys.


Time seemed to slow down as Fennekin fell. The small fox Pokemon slowly tumbled to the ground. Once it hit the ground, the pearls strung around its neck scattered all over the floor. Once Serena saw that Fennekin had fallen, she quickly stooped over and picked up Fennekin. She sat on stage for a few seconds holding Fennekin before Monsieur Pierrie quickly walked back onstage to help out Serena.

"It seems as if there has been a little complication with this performance," He said, "After a quick 10 minute break, we will be back on track with everything."

He quickly led Serena off the stage as she held Fennekin. Once the three were backstage, Monsieur Pierre quickly turned to Serena.

"Are you Ok?" He asked her. Serena stood there trying to hold back tears. She gave him a small nod. He smiled and patted her on the shoulder.

"Don't give up just because of this one little mess up," He said, "You'll have more chances to be Kalos Queen. For now, just make sure your Fennekin is ok and get ready for the next one."

She gave him another small nod.

"I have to go back to hosting the showcase, I hope that I'll see you in the next showcase,"Monsieur Pierre said before he walked off to another direction. OnceMonsieur Pierre left, Serena took Fennekin to get checked by the Nurse Joy that was there.

"Your Fennekin will be fine. Other than a sprained ankle from the nasty fall, there is not much more to worry about," Nurse Joy said handing Fennekin back to Serena.

"Thank you Nurse Joy," Serena said quietly looking at the ground. Serena walked back over to the performers lounge and sat down on one of the benches with Fennekin on her lap.

I've failed. Ash, Fennekin and I have been working so hard on this performance for so long. And I just let them down.  

"See, I told you that you couldn't beat me," A voice said confidently from above Serena. She looked up to see Miette smirking at her. "Give it up, you never had a chance anyway. You might as well give up the other competition too."

Serena wanted nothing else but to wipe that smirk off of Miette's face. However, she had just completely embarrassed herself onstage, so she just kept her mouth shut as Miette kept on talking.

"Oh? Nothing to say huh? That's to be expected I mean only someone as bad as you would just pull off what you had done onstage," Miette said with a laugh. Serena continued to stare at the ground as Miette opened her mouth to talk once more. 

But before she could say anything, another figure suddenly appeared and roughly pushed Miette out of the way.

"You don't talk to my friend in that way," Shauna said as she pushed Miette away from Serena and Fennekin.

"Fine," Miette scoffed, "I was just telling her about how she never had a shot at anything if she was against me."

"She has more of a chance than you think. You'll see next time," Shauna said.

"Whatever, Miette said dismissively, "The princess key is about to be given out. I don't have time to talk to you two pieces of Trubbish."

Miette walked away from them and Shauna turned to Serena.

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