Freestyling Fun

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A/N: Hey guys, I'm back with another chapter! I also have the winner of the Genesect giveaway. The winner is, _Potato_Senpai_ make sure you go and give Potato a good old follow. Thank you to all of you guys and gals who entered into the giveaway. If you didn't win this time, don't worry cause I have a shiny giveaway for you guys soon. Anyways enjoy the chapter.


"I can't wait to see all the performances," Gary said as he sat on the edge of his seat.

"You just wanna see all of those girls in dresses don't you Gary," Drew deadpanned.

"N-No, what are you talking about?"

"Sure," Misty said stretching out the u. "It's not like you weren't sharing at all of the girls instead of their Pokemon during the theme performance."

"Hey, they had some very nice dresses alright?"

"Perv..." Misty muttered. Gary turned to Ash who seemed very tense at the moment.

"Hey Ashy Boy, you alright?" Gary asked him. Ash didn't acknowledge Gary however, he just kept staring at the stage with a worried expression on his face.

"Ash?" Gary asked waving his hand in front of Ash's face. Ash snapped out of his daze and looked over at Gary.

"Huh? What's up?" Ash questioned.

"You seem really out of it. Your performance is already done, shouldn't you be relaxing?"

"Yeah, but I'm just worried about Serena. It's her first time up on stage and I'm worried she might freeze up or something," Ash said.

"I'm sure she'll do fine. I mean you said it yourself, you two have been practicing on this for months,"

"Yeah, I guess it's just paranoia on my part." The group sat around for a few more minutes before the lights started to dim and Monsieur Pierre came back up onstage.

"Thank you for waiting ladies and gentlemen. Now, onto the section of the night that I am sure you were all waiting for. For our first freestyle performance, we have Jackie and her Togekiss,"Monsieur Pierre said gesturing to the platform that was rising up.

On the platform a girl with purple hair stood with her Togekiss. She had on a white dress that was decorated with pearls. Her Togekiss was dressed the same as it was previously. It had flowing ribbons wrapped around it.

Jackie and her Togekiss bowed to the audience before they began their performance. Music started to play in the background and Jackie and her Togekiss leapt into action. Togekiss flew into the air and Jackie started to spin.

"Togekiss use double team," Jackie commanded. Togekiss made a dozen copies of itself and flew around the stage.

"Now use dazzling gleam," Togekiss and it's clones started to glow and sparkle as it flew around the stage. Togekiss flew around near Jackie while its clones flew around the top of the stage. Jackie and Togekiss performed some dance moves together before the clones started to fly closer to each other.

"Alright Togekiss, let's end this with flamethrower," Jackie commanded. Togekiss shot a blast of fire at the shining clones that were grouped closely together. The clones exploded into orange, yellow and red sparkles that fell around Jackie and Togekiss. The two bowed once again signifying that their performance has ended. The audience bursted out cheering for Jackie.

"Wow, that was really good," Dawn commented.

"Yeah, the flamethrower and dazzling gleam make quite a good combination," Misty said. She looked over to her left to see that Gary was starting at Jackie who was waving to the cheering crowd.

"Quit staring like a perv," Misty said giving Gary a wack on the head.

"I'm sorry if I appreciate a good performance," Gary said rubbing the back of his head.

"Still, I'm a little worried though. That was only the first performance and it was amazing," Clemont said.

"I'm sure Serena will do just fine, right Ash?" Sawyer asked. Ash didn't reply, instead he just stared at the stage where Monsieur Pierre was coming back.

"My, what a spectacular performance,"Monsieur Pierre said walking back onto the stage. "Let's give it up for Jackie one more time everybody." The crowd exploded with noise once again.

"Alright, our next contestant is Emily, let's give her a warm welcome"Monsieur Pierre said enthusiastically.


(After a few more contestants)

"Up next, we have Miette and her Slurpuff taking the stage,"Monsieur Pierre shouted. The audience applauded as Miette and her Slurpuff rose up from the platform. The two of them, like all the other performers before them, bowed before they started their performance.

"Ok Slurpuff, lets get this rolling with cotton guard," Miette said. Slurpuff created balls of cottons that covered the stage. Miette and Slurpuff played with the cotton for a little bit before Miette called another command.

"Slurpuff use psychic," Slurpuff used psychic energy to pick up the cotton balls with and used it to swirl around above their heads with.

"Now use dazzling gleam!" Miette shouted. Slurpuff shot out sparkling lights which surrounded the cotton and made them shine. Miette and Slurpuff danced around for a little while more before Miette shouted out another command for Slurpuff.

"Ok Slurpuff, lets finish this!" Slurpuff smashed the balls of cotton that were swirling around their heads together. The balls of cotton broke apart and sparkling pieces of cotton fell down around the two as they bowed to the audience. The audience cheered louder than they had for any other performer so far.

"An amazing performance by Miette. Let's give once more round of applause for that beautiful performance,"Monsieur Pierre said. The crowd broke into cheers once again.

"Up next, we have the beautiful Serena and her Fennekin,"Monsieur Pierre said as Miette left the stage.


"It's time Fennekin," Serena said nervously as she stepped onto the stage. After she had seen Miette's performance, she was very nervous because of the crowd's reaction to it. Serena and Fennekin stepped onto the platform and she anxiously waited for it to rise. After a minute or 2 of waiting, she felt the platform begin to rise.

No turning back now.

The crowd soon came into view and Serena could see the audience watching her. She nervously bowed and heard the music start to play.

You got this Serena don't worry. Serena heard Ash's voice replay those words in her head before she started her permanence.

"Ok Fennekin, let's get this started with fire spin," Serena shouted striking a pose. Fennekin did as the two of them practiced and started to dance around while shooting a stream of fire. After a while of the two of them dancing together, Serena issued another command.

"Now open and close your mouth," Fennekin did as it was told and it created rings of fire. Serena danced through the rings and Fennekin also danced along with Serena. Serena and Fennekin followed through their performance exactly as practice and were now nearing the end.

"Alright Fennekin, let's wrap this up. Use scratch and flamethrower," Serena said. As Fennekin went to do so, its leg got caught up in the bow that it had on its neck. The bow had been getting looser and looser during the entire performance, but no one had noticed. Fennekin fell to the ground scattering the pearls from the necklace all over the stage floor.


A/N: Wow last chapter of 2016. This year has gone by quick I hope you guys enjoyed today's chapter. I'll see you guys next week. This is Amourshipper signing off for the last time in 2016. See ya.

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