Chapter 15: The First Husband?!

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A white, tall, and skinny middle-aged man is happily standing in the class.

He just made a short introduction at agad ding isa isa kinausap ang mga estudyante sa room.

Tahimik lang na naghihintay si Lysithea na turn niya pero hindi niya parin maiwasan na hindi pasekretong tumingin sa gilid niya.

Before being reincarnated, Lysithea felt sad to the Grandmaster Alchemist ending.

I mean just imagine creating something incridible and yet you can't even use it for yourself.

So isa sa mga gustong makita ni Lysithea after niya ma reincarnate ay ang Grandmaster Alchemist.

Aside from the reason that it can solve her master Ace's problem, curious din siya kung anong pangalan nito.

Because, after secretly looking at him several times and recalling his story, Lysithea felt some familiarity with him.

His posture, his aura, and just how he looks.

He looks like--- me.

Like the ME before I reincarnated.

Someone who wanted to change that was held by a lot of things.

Him wanting to be more but cant do anything about it because he does not have money.

And me, wanting to be myself but was held back by my family's expectation.

Now that I think about it, this is maybe the reason why I just feel so sad in his ending.

Because unlike me, he did not give up in order to become someone he wants, he tried his beast and he did it!

He did become a Grandmaster Alchemist who only show up every century in this world.

But even before he manage to enjoy those achievements, he died.

Maybe the reason why I feel so sad because even if he did achieved what he want, so what if it will cost his life?

Lysithea secretly looked at him again.

His dark long hair is being swayed by the air outside, his pale skin, and his grey determined eyes that is hidden in his big eye glassing while looking at a book in his hand feels surreal.

Lysithea glanced at it and it was a book about raising cultivation

Despite knowing he does not have a talent in cultivation.

He never give up.

She saw his future self while seeing him reading, someone that became people's hope and hero.

Although he died in the end, I think--- he was happy that he achieved his dream.

Somehow, Lysithea just feel so motivated and inspired.

Siguro napatagal na ang titig ni Lysithea naramdaman ito ng katabi niya.

Dahil doon nagkasalubong ang tingin nila.

In that very moment that their eyes met. Something undeniable beautiful happened in their universe.

It was beyond everyone's imagination.

Two destined soul that should never met in their entire life--- managed to conquer and changed their fate the moment that their eyes met.

Looking at his silver eyes, Lysithea does not know but--- she never seen a pair of eyes that reflect so much emotions at ones.

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