Chapter 37: See You Soon, Steven

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I know I really took a lot of time to update, it just that a family member of mine was hospitalize. Unfortunately, it is a chronic disease so a lot of things change in my life, my daily routine was broken and everything seems to be overwhelming to the point that it's hard not just find time to write but also the mood to even read a novel huhuhu. Moreover, tinamaan narin ako ng writer's block kaya---- 'ayun. 

But thank you.

For waiting and for still coming back to this story.


"So what you mean is that, you have two mates?" amuse na pagka-klaro ni Aalee kay Lysithea.

Aalee knew already that AQing and Lysithea have something but---

With cousin Francis?!

Lysithea smiled at him and nodded with mixed emotions, as if you can't see if she is happy or not.

Seeing her reaction, Aalee cannot help but to laughed.

"You don't look like you are happy about it." pang aasar ni Aalee.

Hearing what Aalee said, Francis who is besides Lysithea cannot help but to react.

"You make it sound that it's bad to be her mate too." pagrereklamo agad ni Francis.

Francis' face is emotionless but his voice somewhat makes you think he is pouting right now.

"Isn't it? If I am Lysithea, I would be stress just by thinking I have such a mate that have dangerous mouth like yours." Aalee said while smirking.

Aalee is not even content with that and looked at Lysithea with pity "You'll be his interpreter for the rest of your life, I feel sad for you."

When Francis heard that, he looked at Aalee as if he is about to unscathed his sword.

Aalee saw it but he is unfazed, after all, Aalee is much more stronger than Francis.

Knowing exactly what Aalee arrogant face tells about, a rare frown appeared in Francis' forehead.

Napansin ito ni Lysithea kaya nagsalita narin siya.

"Hey don't say that, it might not be obvious but Francis is sensitive." pag de-defend ni Lysithea ng mapansin niya ang reaksyon ni Francis.

This kind of scenario is not unexpected to Lysithea. In her dreams, in original Lysithea's future, ganito rin ang asaran nila Aalee and Francis.

In the end, Francis would took Aalee's jokes hard and Lysithea would find it hard to coax him.

Francis who is already about to start a war already won.

It is his time to look down to Aalee.

He did not even say something yet and he already won.

Kaya taas noo tinignan ni Francis si Aalee na parang sinasabi "Look who is more pitiful?"

But Aalee did not react to Francis' provoking look but instead, he laughed due to Lysithea's words.

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