Chapter 33: AQing's Side

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There are times that even though there are only silence between two person, it is where emotions are mostly heightened.

With AQing's silence, Lysithea’s breathe become shorter.

Tumataas at pababa ang dibdib nito na para bang nahihirapan humihinga.

AQing's silence is triggering all of those suppressed emotions she had been trying to hold back these past few days.

Knowing that she is becoming emotional, Lysithea took a deep breathe and said in serious tone “Can we have a moment here please?”

Scarlet and Eros looked at each other and quietly leave the room.

However, before they go out you can see the disappointment in their eyes.

Malamang dahil hindi nila makikita ang drama nila Lysithea.

Lysithea who is unaware to the feelings of the two marites, looked at the back of AQing.

Lysithea bit her lips before speaking again “AQing, you know that the reason why I did not take you with me at that time. All because it is dangerous for you. It was not because I see you as weak or a burden --- or whatever may it be you're thinking.”

“But that is the same thing. It is dangerous because I am weak and a burden.” AQing replied with conviction.

Lysithea was shocked by what she heard.

Her lips then form a one line, a clear indication that she did not like what she heard.

“You know that I never see you like that,"

"Besides what do you want me to do? Risk your life to prove that I don’t see you weak?!” unknown to Lysithea, her tone become sharper and higher, making AQing turn stiff and emotional.

Lysithea felt hopeless and frustrated from AQing's reply.

AQing did not answer her, proving at AQing wanted to risk his life to proved that thought.

Lysithea become more frustrated as she realize AQing’s answer and she even become more irritated when AQing is still not facing her. 

“You will go that far for that?!" Lysithea asked with disbelief.

AQing's silenced answer her question, making Lysithea even more sound helpless.

"It was never who is stronger AQing, I leave you here because I love you. If Francis has the same case with you, I would leave him here too.” pagsusubok na pagpapaliwanag ni Lysithea.

“How could I make you believe me huh? AQing?” Lysithea said with so much frustration.

This time, as if AQing cannot take it anymore, he turned around and look straight at Lysithea.

Lysithea was shocked to see that AQing’s eyes are red as if it is giving its best not to cry.

AQing then said his feelings with much more firmer and serious than his usual tone to Lysithea “I know that! I know you never see me weak and you never asked me to be more. And I am thankful for that, however I want you to rely on me, even once."

"I do not want to be always protected by you and I want you to see me as someone you know you can ask to be more! Not just someone you must protect. It was not just me wanting to be strong than Francis, it is more of wanting to prove that I can stand besides you and protect you.”

When Lysithea heard what he said, her throat sudden was block by something she did not even know.

The sides of her eyes become hot and she felt that she become overwhelm by her emotions.

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